Chapter 12 Louis Vuitton Part 2

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Namjoon was disappointed that he didn't find her the first day of the concert. She had mentioned that she was going to watch the concert twice. However, he didn't know which day, so the second day he tried to look for her again. But he didn't see her and this didn't give him a good feeling during the concert.

His mother never replied to his message, which didn't gave him a good feeling either. But at least it was quiet now from her end and she left him alone this time. He appreciated that she allowed him some space, but he knew that when he came back to Korea he had to face the music somehow.

All of a sudden he heard someone screaming outside and it sounded quite far, but he could still hear it from a distance because his window was open. He had done that on purpose to get some fresh air into his room. It was a habit he always had ever since he was little. He always had to make sure that there was some fresh air flowing into his room every day. He felt like it cleansed his brain that could get foggy from time to time.

He quickly looked out of the window to see what was going on. On the opposite side he saw someone screaming on the balcony of the hotel.  "I hope that person is alright." He thought "I wish I could go on the balcony and scream like that. Man that must feel good." For sure that was not possible in his case ,with all the paparazzi hanging around the hotel. "Mmmm" he thought "Whatever you are screaming over there, I kind of envy you."

He quickly moved away from the window. He didn't want the paparazzi to find out which room he was sleeping in. He was about to read his book, because that would relax him a bit. As he was reading the first page, Jhope knocked on his door. He opened the door and Jhope walked in with a big smile. "Are you ok?" Jhope asked him. 

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Namjoon answered.

"Mmmmmm" Jhope said while squinting his eyes looking at him. "Joonie, Joonie, Joonie" Jhope said while shaking his head. "You know you can't fool me right? You were off yesterday at the concert, I felt it.

Namjoon stared at the floor "I'm sorry Hobi, I will do better next concert." He felt bad for disappointing the other members.

Jhope smiled "Hey, cheer up" he said. "I don't think anyone else noticed it. Anyways you know I'm here for you right? If you need to talk or if you need anything...I'm here...for you.." Jhope looked him in the eyes and he saw a bit of sadness in Namjoon's eyes. 

"Hey, smile! Sorry, you really did not do bad yesterday. That's not what I meant when I said you had an off day. It's just that I can sense when you are not totally yourself. So I'm just checking up on you.I'm not here to preach about your performance last night!" He patted Namjoon on his back.

Anyways, I think I know what you need" Jhope pointed at Namjoon while moving his hips like he was making some dance moves. 

"So listen, I was invited to go to a private viewing at Louis Vuitton for their new collection. Why don't you join me?"

"Sounds tempting, but I was about to read my book and just lay in bed" said Namjoon. While pointing to the book on his bed. "It's our rest day and I just want to relax"

"Ahhh, you can do that tomorrow. Tomorrow is another rest day, and the day after concert is in a few days...enough time to rest!! Jhope said. "Today I really, really, need your company" Jhope said with his smile while pulling Namjoon's arms and begging him with his puppy dog eyes "Pleasssseeee, join me?"

Namjoon paused for a minute and thought," Perhaps it would be nice to hang out with Jhope today. He always knew how to make him feel good. Perhaps he needed Jhope's company more than Jhope needed him." 

"OK, let me change and I'll go with you" Namjoon decided.

"Yesssss" said Jhope happy and put his arm around Namjoon's shoulder. "I've asked the manager to arrange a small car for us. Also, I managed to go without the bodyguards. However, I'm gonna wear my hat and mask so that no one will recognise me."

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