As you stepped into the office. Anna was already in a meeting. She saw you and looked from behind the big glass window of the meeting room. "Hurry" she shouted "Oh my gosh, what took you so long"?
"Long?" you answered, it has only been 15 minutes since your phone call, What's the emergency?
"Oh my gosh" Anna said again. Somehow that seemed to be her favourite 3 words every time she was talking to you..and the intonation, when she said those words, was never good. It was either, Oh my gosh or you don't get it...yes those were here favourites words every time you were in her precense.
"We are going to have a launch party tonight, one of our biggest star is going to debut his solo album".
"Wow, that's great, who is it?" you asked.
"Doesn't matter, all you need to know is that when I ask you something or to get something for tonight... you need to hurry! she said pressed "I hope you understand the urgency of it all. Our artist is really particular with what he wants and needs. Also he is a bit of a perfectionist. So please no mistakes, you can't make us look bad tonight".
You nodded, giving Anna the confirmation that you understood the urgency.
"Mmmm speaking of looks, do you have a nice dress for tonight?" I've seen you in dresses..and sorry honey they ain't it. Maybe those frumpy dresses fly in LA, but not here in Korea. You need to look good tonight, or it will be my ass with the bosses. Understood?'.
"What the hell is wrong with my looks" you thought, but didn't say it out loud.
"Ok" Anna continued, not even waiting for your answer "Since we don't have much time and I already thought you will not have a nice dress, I have arranged something for you. Here...." she handed you a black dress, which was gorgeous. You looked at the size. "How did you know my size?"
"I observe" Anna said briefly. "I hope you know how to do your hair and make up"
"uh , well yes.. of course I know"
"Look, it is important you look good, we have all the major players in the music industry coming tonight"
"Anyways, the party will begin at 10.00pm, but first here is a list of things you need to get in town. It's for the decorations tonight"
Anna handed you a long list, you were not even sure what some of the things were. At the end of the list, there was again an order of coffee too.
"Shoot" you thought "I'm back to being Anna's assistant again".
"Look the party is held at the top floor. come back as soon as possible when you have all the items on the list". Ok......don't just stand there..go hurry!!!Remember, I need ALL items!! Don't come back before you get ALL the items!" she shouted, while shewing you away with her hands.
That day you ran around town, trying to find all the items. However, sometimes it was hard to communicate because.... well didn't really spoke the language.
However, you managed to get everything around 9.30 pm. You hurried to the top floor of the building. Now that you thought about it, you had never been there before. The elevator opened and Anna was standing there, she looked beautiful. Her hair and make up was all done and she wore a beautiful suit..."Where the heck have you been? I told you to hurry..guests are coming every minute now ..and you are not dressed???" Anna was shaking her head in disbelief.
You kinda became frustrated. Here you were running for items, while she had all the time in the world to dress up and look like this. "Here are your items, you really had me running across town" you handed the heavy bags over to her.."Oh....and here is your damn coffee"

Namjoon - The boy with the dragon eyes - KNJ - RM Kim Namjoon
FanfictionEver since you broke up with your boyfriend, your life was turned upside down. Your best friend Lily begged you to go and watch the BTS concert in Vegas, a band you never had heard of before. All of a sudden he stood in front of you, the boy with th...