Chapter 34 The Meeting Part 2

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Namjoon looked out of the window of his mom's car. He looked on the maps of the GPS, another hour and they would arrive at Sieun's house.

He stared at everything that was passing by while the car was moving. "What the hell was happening right now" He didn't really know if he should be crying, smiling or screaming at this moment.

"Perhaps his mother was right "he thought for a minute. He did long for a family of his own. Somehow it always seemed to be very hard to have a relationship with a woman. Most of them were already gone before something even started. 

"Why didn't she pick up my phone calls or returned my texts?" he thought. "Perhaps if she communicated with him, he could tell his mom that he already found someone on his own in Vegas...and this whole Sieun thing didn't have to be a thing" He kinda shook his head. I guess there will never be anything with that girl he met that day. 

"When we meet the family Namjoon, please be polite" his mom said all of a sudden. "Please try to make conversation with Sieun, show her you are interested in her please" His mom continued "Sieun is a very smart lady, she has her masters in arts you know. Aww you must remember that her dad owned the museums in town, she specialises in buying artefacts now. I am sure you two will have a lot in common, since you love art so much too".

"Mom, how many times do I have to remind you that Sieun is a bully. She bullied me in school. How can I pretend to be interested in a bully?' Namjoon looked at his mom and shook his head.

"My gosh, Namjoon...always so dramatic" his mom said. "Just go in there with an open heart and mind. You always teach your fans that...why don't you practice what you preach?'

Namjoon was getting annoyed. "Besides" his mom continued "You guys were in kindergarten then, Sieun has grown into a beautiful young smart lady. I'm sure she will not bully you anymore. Ahhhh we have arrived" Namjoon's mom said enthusiastically, changing the subject.

Sieun's parents were already standing in front of the house ready to meet them. Namjoon looked at the house, it still looked the same as from when he left. It was as big as he remembered, compared to all the other houses in town, this house stood out. 

"Please come inside" Sieun's parents smiled at Namjoon "Aisshhhhh" said Sieun's mom and pinched his arms. "Wow you have become so strong Namjoon, Sieun likes strong men" she said. Namjoon looked around as they escorted them inside the house. Sieun was nowhere to be found.

Namjoon, his mom, and Sieun's parents all set down. Tea was served by one of their servants. "Ah" Namjoon thought "I forgot, Sieun was brought up with servants and nannies" He looked around him again "Where was she anyways?". Maybe it was just better that she wasn't there. Sieun's parents tried to make conversation with Namjoon, and he politely answered, nodded, smiled and drank some more tea.

Sieun's father looked at Namjoon "If you are wondering...Sieun is in the back garden.She is a bit shy... Perhaps it would be good if you go see her now....that way...he pointed. 

"Ok" Namjoon nodded politely and headed to the garden. He didn't expect for Sieun to be shy..that was not how he remembered her. Perhaps his mom was right..perhaps she had changed.

He stepped outside...the fresh air was actually nice, compared to the air in Seoul, not that it was that bad compared to some cities he had been...but there was something about the fresh air in his former town.

"Hey" all of a sudden a voice came from a corner. There she was...Sieun. She had become tall and had long straight black hair. Namjoon took a quick look at her, he couldn't deny that she was beautiful. Than again she was always beautiful, that's why everyone loved her..even though she was a bully. ...Wait...was she smoking?

"Shhhhhh....don't tell my parents" she held up a pack of cigarets "Want one?"

"Sure, why not?" Namjoon took one cigaret. "Please don't tell my mom either." He said trying to break the ice a little.

She squinted her eyes and looked at Namjoon "Hmmmm the famous Namjoon, finally returns. Pfff ...she said, my parents were so happy when they heard you were coming over. Guess you kept your promise".

"Hmmm" said Namjoon and he kinda squinted his eyes too while looking at her back..."and you?... are you happy too? I mean...are you happy to see me?" He didn't really know where this conversation was going, but it all felt awkward.

"Me?" Sieun laughed.."Does it really matter what I think or what I feel? Don't fool yourself Namjoon, I have no say in our destiny" she blew out some smoke in his face ..and Namjoon started coughing. She looked at Namjoon up and down...hmmm you don't smoke that often do you?. 

"Just occasionally" Namjoon said..while still coughing..but that's not what I was talking about. I...

"Anyways.. she cut him seriously think that I am interested in you? Happy to see you? You think that because you are a famous singer now, I will fall at you feet? She laughed..."Look the reality is, our parents made a promise to each other like what ....10 years ago..and you agreed to that stupid idea back now it's our destiny.... Am I happy to see you? she shrugged "Seriously...she said annoyed...again, it doesn't really matter what I think or how I feel. I was never asked 10 years ago....and I am certainly not asked now.All I am telling you.....

Sieun smiled with a devilish smile and stepped closely to Namjoon. "You chose me, and now you are stuck with me...Mr. famous singer" she ran her fingers up his sweater and started giggeling, turned around and headed inside "Oh aunty..." Namjoon heard her saying "it's so lovely to see you, I missed you" and he saw her hugging his mom.

"What did I get myself into?" Namjoon thought and was left confused, the rest of the day was a total blur for him.

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