Chapter 19 The Concert is starting- Part 1

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You closed the door of the security office behind you. "What in the hell just happened?" you thought.  You took a deep breath, O my gosh you had to tell Lily all about it. It was all still confusing to you and you tried to find your way back to the seats. Why did you gave your number to the security guy. You had to leave in a couple of days. Jim was still trying to get you back and you don't even know this guy. 

"Shoot" you thought, why was I so mesmerised by his beautiful eyes and his muscled arms. I should not have given my number to strangers. But strangely enough you felt safe with him.

As you finally found your way back to your seats, Lily was sitting there with a big soda. "Where the heck where you? I was worried sick, is everything ok?"

"Uh yeah" you answered. You know the other day, I went for a jog in the morning... remember?" Lily nodded "Yeah the early morning one, when you almost woke me up and I have to get up early too..yeah that thank you...I just rather stay in my bed..and..."

Lily kinda wanted to talk about herself as always..but you cut her off.

"Yeah, well that morning, I ....."

All of a sudden a video started playing on the screen and everyone around you was screaming loudly. All the army lights lit up and it was such a wonderful and beautiful sight. The music played loudly and everyone was looking at the big screens that lit up the whole stage.

"OH MY GOSH" Lily yelled. "It's starting....the concert is starting" She screamed while squeezing your hand. "I'm gonna cry...oh my gosh" Lily jumped up and down. 

"Never mind, you shouted in her ear...I will tell you later"

"Yeah?" Lily looked at you "Ok, tell me after the concert". For now I have to tell you who is who...let's start with my bias.....Namjoon!


Namjoon - The boy with the dragon eyes - KNJ - RM Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now