It was only 4 am when his alarm went off.
Namjoon quickly took a shower and brushed his teeth.His fight with his mother played in his head. It was a huge argument before he left Korea for Vegas. He hated fighting with his mom, but she wouldn't let it go. Why couldn't she let it go?
It was time for his early morning jog. Ever since leading up to the Grammy awards he had been jogging very early. Now that he had these arguments with his mother and his group lost the Grammy Awards in Vegas, an early morning jog was the only routine that kept him sane.
He quickly grabbed his disposable camera. It was a new hobby he enjoyed very much. Namjoon loved taking pictures with his phone, but with the disposable camera he had to go through the whole process of developing the film. There were no do-overs like on a phone, the pictures just had to be right when taking them as you couldn't delete them. He loved how it was always so surprising when the pictures started slowly showing when he was developing them in the dark room. Who knows what he could take pictures of during his early morning jog.
Namjoon left his hotel room and knocked softly on Yoongi's door. Yoongi was sleeping in the room right next to him and he knew that Yoongi was the only one who would be up at this time. Yoongi opened the door and was still a bit sleepy "Ah.. you are off for your morning jog?"
Namjoon knodded "Yes". "Hmmm" Yoongi said "I don't know why or how you do this. You do realise we have our first concert tonight, you might want to sleep in a bit more and spare some energy" Yoongi said while scratching his head.
Namjoon looked at him "Hey you know how I feel at the moment, this is what keeps me going".
Yoongi starting yawning "You know it is not your fault, brother." It is all good, we will just work harder next time". He padded on Namjoon's shoulder.
"Anyways, be careful, lots of loco people here in Vegas, not to mention the papparazi".
"Thanks, I'll probably be back in an hour. I have to sneak through the secret door way". Namjoon always appreciated it when Yoongi got a bit protective over him. Actually all band members were always protective over each other. They were very lucky to have each other.
He started jogging the minute he got out of the hotel. Namjoon wasn't too familiar with the place but he had already looked up where the Allegiant Stadium was. He only had to cross the bridge. He was planning to jog there and see where they were performing tonight.
There was a big billboard that said 'Good luck with the concert JK'. He chuckled looking at it. "They choice a great picture of Jung Kook" he thought. People must love him very much in Vegas. It brought him joy to see the picture. He had known Jung Kook from such a young age and couldn't help but to be an older brother to him and sometimes even a father figure.
He looked at the Allegiant Stadium, he couldn't believe that tonight this place would be full with thousands of people. All these people who traveled from near and far to come and see them. He felt overwhelmed and thankful. "I have to capture this moment" he thought. He looked around him and tried to see where he best could take a selfie. All of a sudden he saw a girl kneeling with her back towards him. "Shall he dare to ask for her help?" He thought. "What if she is a loco person" like Yoongi said. "What if she is a fan and paparazzi would see them together?". That would mean their pr-team would need to do a lot of work to get any crazy stories out of the way. Maybe it was just best to take his own picture and move on.
All of a sudden there was a bit of wind that blew the long curls off the girl's shoulders. It looked so beautiful and he couldn't help but wondering what she actually looked like. If only she would turn around, he could see her face. "The hell with all of my thoughts, live a little Namjoon" he said to himself.

Namjoon - The boy with the dragon eyes - KNJ - RM Kim Namjoon
FanfictionEver since you broke up with your boyfriend, your life was turned upside down. Your best friend Lily begged you to go and watch the BTS concert in Vegas, a band you never had heard of before. All of a sudden he stood in front of you, the boy with th...