Chapter 22 The next morning Part 2

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Namjoon wasn't sure how she felt. He tried to look at her during the concert several times, but it was hard with all the flashing lights. After the show, Bang PD asked him again to go back to the hotel together in one car.

They were sitting across from each other. Bang PD looked very serious, he held his breath and said "I'm sorry Namjoon" Bang PD said. We have tried with all autoroties to get you guys out of military duties. But we didn't win this one and you all will have to go."I'm really sorry"

Namjoon looked out of the window. He looked at all the cars flashing by..."It's not your fault Bang PD, we have tried hard. We tried to give in with so many things. It's unfortunate they can't give us an exemption. But I thought long and hard about this. Who are we to get exemption anyways? We are just BTS, 7 small town boys, who are born singers".

Bang PD smiled a little. "That's why I choice you as the leader" he thought "Namjoon, always modest".

"Well" you know what that means. "Plan B"

"Yes" Namjoon answered "Plan B"

Bang PD looked at Namjoon "I'm sorry we will have to move fast. I will tell the rest tonight, but tomorrow early morning you guys will have to get up and we will have to record the song for army" 

Namjoon looked down "I wish we never had to"

"I know" but it's part of plan B. I have set up the crew already. Tomorrow Anderson Paak has agreed to come for the shooting, and we found some great backup singers.

"Tomorrow morning? Do we get some time to sleep or whatsoever? 

"Namjoon....this all has to be done in top secret we will leave at 4.30 from the hotel and drive into the dessert, as soon as the sun rises we will start with the shooting. Your wardrobe crew will be in your room at  4.00am You will have half an hour to change. We will do hair and make up on set. But we can't stay out there for too long, because people might come by...and we don't want any leaks about this, before you will announce it on a live or something.

"Shoot' Namjoon thought, it is going to be tough to make that phone call. This next morning was going to be packed. 

"Namjoon" Bang PD shook him a little "We are here, now go and take a rest"

Namjoon quickly nodded and got out of the car.

"Again...I'm sorry boy...I know this is not what we wanted' he placed his hand on Namjoon's shoulder.

Namjoon touched Bang PD's hand. He has always been a good mentor and he looked out for them all the time. But he understood, this time his hands were tight and he wasn't able to move mountains as he wanted too. He smiled at Bang PD and held up his shoulders. "What can we do, this too shall pass...It's to your fault".

Namjoon walked into the elevator and went all the way up to the penthouse. That night he lay in bed and tossed and turned. Somehow he couldn't stop thinking about the girl and how he was suppose to call her the next morning. But how was he going to do that... when from early morning on, he would be surrounded by all these people?

Eventually he fell asleep and dreamt of a flower was an open land and there were fireworks. He was running through the flower field and there was a lot of wind. He tried to get to the other end of the field, where there was a girl tying her shoe lace and she was waiting for him, because she wanted to take a picture with him. Namjoon didn't want to wake up, he almost reached t he girl and...

Beep beep was his alarm....ugh the wardrobe crew would be standing in his room any minute now. He quickly took a shower and brushed his teeth. As he walked out the bathroom the people were already waiting with a rack full of clothes. "ugh" he thought sarcastically.. 'this is gonna be a great day'.  In his heart he knew, it was going to be filled with sadness on top of that he still had not figured out how to call her. He looked at his watch. 4.05am...."mmmm shall he call her now?.....he quickly shook his head...noooo don't call at this time, you would wake her up and maybe even her family" 

"OK, let's see what kinda clothes you guys brought this time?" Namjoon said to the crew and smiled while clapping his hands. He was trying hard to hide his tiredness and  sorrows. Now that was something he got very good at. Being  in the limelight for so long now, he knew how to hide his ttrue feelings and knew how to smile all through it, so that no one would notice.

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