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"Hey mom, where do we keep the water bottles for workouts?" Eileen asked looking through the cupboards.

"Still in the boxes, are you doing some sort of workout?" Kelli asked, turning away from her cooking to focus on her daughter.

"Going to Miyagi Do Karate, see what Samuel's been talking about," she responded, finding the Gatorade water bottle and walking into the kitchen to fill it up.

"Be careful, then alright? If you feel dizzy or lightheaded then sit down or grab someone to balance," Kelli instructed even though Eileen already knew. The daughter gave a thumbs up before walking out of the house to the LaRussos, which wasn't a long walk.

Eileen entered the backyard five minutes earlier than the scheduled practice.

"There she is! And Samuel said there was going to be someone else as well?" Daniel asked. Eileen nodded as Daniel gave her a paintbrush.

"You two are going to paint the fence, now I want you to trust the process-" Daniel told the girl before she nodded eagerly.

"Hello?" Demetri said out loud. Eileen waved him over and he walked to her while Daniel went to go get him a paintbrush.

"So what are we starting with? Why are you holding a paintbrush?" Demetri asked her.

"We're painting the fence," she explained as Daniel left the shed.

"The whole fence," Demetri looked at her and she nodded, "that's like 1200 meters square feet!"

"Actually, times two, you forgot about the other side," Daniel corrected.

Demetri sighed, "oh, okay. I get it. You're teaching me muscle memory. Do it a bunch of times, and develop unconscious karate techniques. How about we just cut to the chase and you show me the moves?"

Daniel shook his head while Eileen started to paint the fence. Demetri groaned before going to the other side of the fence and painting it, completing that task faster. Once they were done Daniel was showing them blocking movements, Eileen quickly catching on while Demetri struggled.

"I'm not exactly the most flexible. Eileen is, she's an ex-ballerina and... I have a little trouble maintaining balance. Hope that's not an issue. Disproportionate limbs," Demetri explained showing them. Daniel nodded, not knowing how to respond before getting Eileen to grab a step ladder and get Demetri to paint part of his house for practice.

"That's it. Side to side," Daniel confided him, Eileen copying his movement from the ground.

"Can I at least use a roller?"

"Demetri shush! I'm concentrating,"

"On what? Painting the fake wall?" Demetri retorted before Daniel made them sand the wood, going in a circular motion.

"Left circle, right circle. There you go," Daniel instructed Eileen. The girl looked up and gave a smile before Demetri cried out.

"What, what?" Daniel asked as Demetri held his finger.

"Splinter," the boy explained as Eileen inspected it, "ah it's a big one." Eileen using her nails, pulled it out of his finger, making Demetri whine softly. Daniel patted his shoulder while Eileen gave him a thumbs up.

Then, Daniel, had them meditate, Eileen enjoying it before Demetri interrupted.

"How much longer are we doing this? My arms are getting tired and I've had to pee since before we started." He asked.

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