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Now you're going to pay

After school a couple of days later, Eileen found herself laying on her bed. She went out way less than she used to because of her mental health and the karate drama. Plus, she got closer to Samuel because of it. Sam had texted her if she wanted to help wash cars to raise money for Miguel's surgery. Eileen quickly responded with a yes and Sam texted her the details.

"Hey, mom!" She called. Kelli didn't respond so Eileen went up the stairs to her mom's bedroom. She opened the door and saw her mom and Samuel kissing passionately.

Eileen cried out as if she got hurt, scaring the other two people. The teen girl slammed the door shut, letting all three of them process what had just happened. 

"I'm going to go to the car wash to help raise money for Miguel's surgery." Eileen looked down at her feet, not looking at the closed door.

"Okay," a hesitant reply came through, "did Miguel get his flowers and chocolates?"

"Yeah..." Eileen trailed off, "he texted me that it was nice of us to do that for him."

"That's good," Kelli responded not knowing what else to say. Neither did Eileen or Samuel.

"Okay... Well... I'm gonna go now." Eileen awkwardly announced.

"Be safe!" Kelli told her.

"Have fun," Samuel added.

"Please don't say that!" Eileen blurted, thinking of nastier things than what she saw. Kelli from her room and Samuel looked at each other again before they both walked away, both equally embarrassed.

She rushed down the stairs to grab a bathing suit she had. It was a simple two-piece with small dandelions designs.

he added some shorts before she walked to her car. She saw that Chris needed a ride so she drove to his house, jamming along to Taylor Swift. Chris waved to her as she pulled up to him. He hopped in and they drove off.

"Demetri isn't here?" Chris asked sarcastically.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked. Chris looked at her with an obvious look.

"It means that you two are always together," Chris sassed. Eileen rolled her eyes and smiled. They started to jam along to sing along to the song that played before someone walked in the middle of the road, causing Eileen to hit her brakes.

"Shit!" She cursed, driving slower before stopping at a light.

"You kiss Demetri with that mouth?" Chris sass talked again. Eileen looked at him in irritation.

"What do you want from me?" She exasperated.

Chris gave her a look as if what he was implying was obvious, " for you to admit that you and Demetri like each other, you bozo!"

Eileen groaned and hit her head on the steering wheel, "Demetri doesn't like me like that, we've been over this for like forever."

"Nuh-uh," Chris back-talked like a child, "I see the way he looks at you. It's like how Scott looks at Romona. Or how Peter looks at Gwen. Or how Jack looks at Rose."

THAT'S WHAT EVERYBODY SAID, cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now