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Feel the night + December 19th

Sam had invited the group to a Christmas party. Even though Eileen didn't celebrate Christmas, she decided to go so she could attempt to admit her feelings. And because Sam begged her too because of the plan. She tried to tell him all week but all she could get out was how she liked his clothing. Sam and Eileen paced around while the others sat. The stereo played Christmas music in the background.

"Well, this Christmas party is turning out to be ho-ho-horrible," Demetri stated.

"Yeah, Sam. I thought you said your parents were out for the night. So why aren't we throwing a rager?" Chris added in.

"What are you talking about this is great!" Eileen exclaimed, smiling nervously.

Demetri turned to her with a confused look, "Eileen you don't even celebrate Christmas."

"This is great," Eileen repeated, not looking at demetri.

Sam saw her nervousness, "there's a keg on the way. It'll just be a few minutes." Eileen and Sam gave each other a look before looking away.

"Can we at least watch a Christmas special? I'd even watch that creepy one with the little elf dentist that gave Eileen nightmares," Eileen shuddered at thought of watching that again.

"Yeah, I'm that bored," Demetri told Sam.

The doorbell rang, "It's here! Eileen come help me get the keg." Eileen nodded and walked with sam to the front door.

"Still haven't told him?" Sam asked quietly.

Eileen huffed, "I'm getting there! But what if he says no?"

"What if he says yes?" Sam questioned her back before she opened the door. Miguel entered followed by Mitch and the rest of the eagle fang crew. The rest of the Miyagi Dos quickly stood up to not let them walk any further into the house. Eileen walked next to Sam and Miguel.

"Oh hell no!"

"What the hell are you doing here? This isn't a keg party. I bought this hat for nothing."

"Wait. You 'parent trapped' us? Why?" Demetri asked.

"Look, I know we haven't always gotten along, but cobra kai is the higher threat now," Sam started, looking at Miguel to add on, "to all of us."

Miguel straightened up his posture, "we think we'd stand a better chance if we joined forces. Two dojos are stronger than one."

"This is ridiculous,"

"I know right?" Eileen heard those words muttered which caused her to sigh loudly and speak up.

"Come on, guys! Cobra Kai is already targeting both of us but if we stand united, we'll be harder to take out!" Eileen explained to them. They looked around almost thinking about it.

"Look, we've all done shitty things to each other," Miguel expressed.

"Like breaking Demetri's arm," Chris interrupted, looking directly at Mitch.

"You guys started that fight!" Mitch argued back.

"You almost got me fired," Eileen rolled her eyes at the fighting.

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