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Party time

A make-up artist that Kelli hired was finishing up her look. Eileen, who wore just a bra and shorts under her bathrobe, waited patiently for her to be done so she could grab her dress. The makeup artist was doing the finishing touches on the wine color lipstick that would go well with her light gold dress.

"Alright, now all you have to do is put the dress on," the makeup artist told her. Eileen smiled and quickly ran to her room, her mom watching from the barstool. Once Eileen got dressed, she took a deep breath as the doorbell rang.

"Eileen, I'm recording this, don't be shy, come on out," her mom said pulling out her phone and showing Demetri's prom outfit. The daughter and mother agreed that they wouldn't fight when it was prom and there were people over. Eileen opened her door and walked out to show the group. Demetri gasped at her dress before walking next to her. The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Thought we should match," Eileen explained as Demetri's moms started to take photos. Demetri wrapped his arms around her waist as they both smiled.

"Alright, you two, you have to get Eli," Kelli told the duo. Demetri went to start the car while Eileen hugged her mom goodbye.

"I know you're pissed at me," her mom whispered, "but everything I did was for a reason." Eileen went to say something but she heard the car honk. They both turned their heads before Eileen waved goodbye.

Eileen opened the door of her home to see Demetri standing right outside the door before he held his arm out. Eileen linked her arm with his as they both walked to the nice convertible that would take them wherever for the night. Once they were in, the driver drove to a cul-de-sac so he could get to Hawk's side of the road. The couple grabbed the plastic boxes of food for their dinner.

"You okay?" Demetri asked noticing her look, as they pulled to the side. Eileen nodded but Demetri didn't buy it. The door opened and Hawk climbed in his plain tuxedo. Eileen and Demetri grinned at the boy before Demetri handed him his food.

"Sorry for crashing your date," Hawk apologized.

"Don't apologize! We asked you to join us!" Demetri insisted. Eileen nodded in agreement. Hawk shyly smiled before the group dove into Kelli's food. Once they got in, they quickly got themselves a table away from the crowd.

"You guys want to get a drink?" Eileen asked over the music, Demetri shook his head but Hawk nodded. The two linked arms before going to the line of the punch bowl. Eileen scooped out hers and put it in a cup.

"Wouldn't drink that if I were you," a voice came from behind them. They turned to see Robby with a bruised eye, "I'm pretty sure it got spiked."

"I'm sure it's not spiked," Hawk said back. Eileen sipped it before shoving it into Hawk's hand and coughing, "it's spiked."

"Told you," Robby laughed a little. Hawk looked at Eileen before walking away.

She looked to her friend, "Hawk, come back!"

"You know your words got to me. I really do want to be friends again," he stated.

Eileen bit her lip, "Really?"

"Yeah." Robby nodded.

THAT'S WHAT EVERYBODY SAID, cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now