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Miyagi Do
tw: panic attack

After avoiding additional karate drama at school, Eileen found herself at home, chilling with Samuel on the couch. Kelli was out of town, working on her restaurant in San Diego and Samuel offered to stay with her. Currently, they were binging a telenovela.

"You mean to tell me that Carla was bernard's long-lost sister all along?" Samuel asked, completely shocked. Eileen, in shock as well, nodded.

"Now that's how you end a season," she reacted. Samuel nodded before grabbing their two plates and putting them into the sink. Eileen checked her phone for a text message from Sam.

Samuel cleared his throat, "so, uh, about me and your mom..." He trailed off, "we aren't, um, dating officially. I wanted to have your permission first before I asked."

"You don't need my permission. You make my mom happy and I'm glad that you're you two are dating. I just don't want to see you two making out, you know? It's like if you or mom saw me making out with someone," Eileen explained. Samuel nodded, knowing he'd have the same reaction.

"So, how's Demetri? Haven't seen him in a while," Samuel asked while Eileen walked over to sit on one of their barstools.

"Eh, Demetri got grounded from fighting at the gym class so he's grounded from hanging out with me," she explained while smiling.

"That's an interesting punishment," Samuel replied. Eileen nodded in agreement.

"But he does hate it so I guess he's learning his lesson," she laughed at the video Chris had sent her of Demetri complaining to him that he couldn't talk to her.

"So do you know what fun there is around here? I think we should go out and not binge another season even though it's amazing," Samuel asked. Eileen nodded and thought for a bit about what they should do.

"You like arcades?" She asked. Samuel nodded enthusiastically.

"Let's go!" She exclaimed. Samuel and Eileen got dressed and they went into his car when Shake it off started to play.

"I stay up too late, got nothing in my brain. That's what people say, mmm-mmm, that's what people say mmm-mmm," Samuel sang along holding a fake microphone. He handed the fake mic to Eileen.

"I go on too many dates, but I can't make 'em stay. At least that's what people say, mm, mm. That's what people say, mm, mm" Eileen vocalized before they started to duet the song whilst driving to Golf N' stuff.

Once they made it, they both went to skeet ball. They raced to see who could get the higher score, Samuel winning by 20 points.

"No fair, rematch," she muttered while Samuel laughed. Before they could grab their tickets a hand grabbed them before either of them could stop them. It was Hawk.

"You look more pathetic than usual Eileen," Hawk commented before Samuel stepped forward.

"Problem old man? Can't take a joke" He asked staring at him.

"Yeah. You have a mohawk that's two times bigger than your face," Samuel replied sarcastically. Eileen snorted making Hawk scowl at her. Samuel had a thing where he physically had to tell you the truth.

Especially if you were rude to someone.

"What? Can't take a joke?" He added before the duo walked away, giggling. They didn't necessarily care that their tickets got stolen but they had gotten under his skin. Samuel knew about the Hawk drama from game night so he was pleased to have annoyed him. Eileen and Samuel played more games before she noticed a look on Chris' face.

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