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Eileen walked to school after wanting to lower her carbon footprint. When she got there she saw Miguel standing outside.

"Holy shit, Miguel, that's amazing!" She yelled out a few feet away. She ran to him but slowed down before she opened her arms out, mentally inquiring for a hug. Miguel opened his arms and Eileen closed the gap between the two.

"I know we don't know each other well, but I am so glad you're okay! I got you chocolates and flowers, but I didn't know what kinds you liked and—" Eileen started to ramble. Miguel put his hand up to stop Eileen from going on.

"I liked the flowers and the chocolate, thank you," he thanked her. She smiled as they walked in. People started to clap and cheer for him as he entered. There even was a banner that said 'Welcome back Miguel!'

"Word spreads fast," she reminded as she walked to where Demetri's locker was. She saw him struggling so she unlocked the locker for him.

"Hey, the comeback kid! Welcome back," Demetri greeted him, "I hope to make a similar triumphant return to the land of the mobile appendage masses." Eileen rubbed his back in comfort.

"What's up with the cast?" Demetri asked.

"Proximal radius fracture," Demetri explained. He showed it off and showed that Eileen had been the only one to have signed it.

"Broken arm, basically." Eileen chimed in, noticing his confused look.

"It smells," Yasmine joined the conversation. Miguel looked confused as to why she was talking to him but then notices an eye roll and crossed arms from Eileen which made him interested.

Demetri shrugged, "I put a lemon rind down there to mitigate that."

"Yasmine, my mom wants to know if you want the vegetable samosas again? She wants to know so you don't have to wait." Eileen tried to change the subject. Although the duo wasn't close, Yasmine had been a lot nicer to Eileen, especially after she defended her because a guy started to spread rumors.

"And the invitation for you to sign it still stands," he said, holding out a sharpie.

Yasmine scoffed and turned her head to Eileen, "Yes for the samosas," she turned to Demetri, "And hard pass. At least when you used to be a thorn in my tits, you were getting me an A in science. Now you can't even do that because you're defective."

Yasmine walked in between them, letting the three process what had just happened.

"So, uh, how'd you break your arm?" Miguel asked. Eileen bit her lip and turned to Demetri, who was debating how he should respond.

"We've got a lot to catch up on." Eileen walked to her class as Demetri catches Miguel up on the drama that had been happening.

After class, Miguel found Eileen walking to lunch so he stopped her and pulled her to the side. "Hello?" She asked.

"Do you have a bruise on your neck?" He asked. Eileen, who wore a turtleneck, nodded her head. She unlocked her phone and showed him a photo of when the bruise was purple. Miguel gasped and looked at her with widened eyes.

"It's not as bad as it was!" She defended. Miguel just stared back at her. "Okay, it sucks but what's going to happen? Aren't you going back to Cobra Kai?" She asked.

Miguel shook his head which made Eileen's jaw drop. Eileen went to say something before he stormed off into the cafeteria. Her eyes looked back and forth twice before following him.

Hawk eyed her as she walked next to Miguel, "you should be thanking me for getting revenge on Miyagi Do. Besides they're the ones who started the fight. We finished it."

Eileen hid behind Miguel as Hawk stepped forward. Miguel put his hand in the way. "That isn't what our sensei taught us."

"He isn't my sensei anymore." Hawk declared.

"After everything he did for you, you betray him?" Miguel asked. Eileen crossed her arms as she watched Hawk get irritated.

"He betrayed us."

Miguel took a deep breath, "look, this isn't you talking. It's Kreese, he's got in your head. You can change that if you leave Cobra Kai and join Sensei Lawrence's new dojo. If you come, others will follow. Okay? We can show everyone we're not a bunch of bullies. It could be like before."

"He has a new dojo?" Hawk asked, almost tempted to go.

"Hey, guys. Check this guy out. Standing around with a dick in his hand." Kyler shouted to the students, with Demetri's cast on display. Eileen went to go smack Kyler but Miguel grabbed her and just let her try to sway out of his arms. Demetri walked out and Miguel let her go so she could talk to him.

"Tri?" She asked when she saw him slumping by her locker. She sat down next to him and he laid his head on her shoulder.

"He's an asshole," Demetri mumbled.

"Such an asshole. But we can't let him get to us, you know? He's going to be douchey, let him, just don't let him get to your lovely, smart head." Eileen explained, fiddling with his hair.

"I think I want to go to the library, you know, be by myself and let me be happy with comics," he said as the bell rang. She knew he was going to hide but if that made him feel better then she wasn't going to stop him.

Miguel walked up to his locker and saw Eileen, "Is he doing better?" Eileen shrugged.

"Sensei?" Miguel said, confused as to why he was here.

"Oh! So you're the blonde pretty boy Mrs. LaRusso was talking about," Eileen said out loud, causing Miguel to look at her confused.

"Yes, I am." He nodded proudly.

"Well, I have to go to class but it was nice to meet you," Eileen nodded before heading in the opposite direction. She started to feel anxious again, feeling that leaving Demetri was a mistake so she asked to use the restroom. When the bell rang she walked up next to Demetri, who looked a little better than he was before.

"Won't," Eileen commented when she saw that Yasmine had written between the cock that she loved his big dick. Demetri nodded in agreement.

"Guess Aisha taught her a lesson, huh?" Eileen asked. Demetri nodded quickly.

"So," Eileen drew out.

"So?" Demetri questioned.

"It's time," she said seriously.

"Time for what I was hoping for," Demetri asked her. Eileen nodded.

"Game Night. Tonight. Don't be late," she spoke before walking away.

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