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No Mercy

The next day was the day Eileen had been dreading. On the first day back at her old school. She stayed quiet the whole morning, completing the morning routine she had assigned for herself.

She saw her phone in her mom's office. She grabbed it and texted 'yes' to her estranged father. She set up a cafe meet after school today. She texted her father and he replied with 'ok'.

She took a deep breath before she heard honking. Demetri, Nate, and Chris were waiting for her in the car. She scrunched her nose in confusion as she went to the passenger seat and sat next to Demetri.

"Carpool," Nate explained. Eileen smiled at him through the read view mirror. Nate and Chris had filled the car with chatter, while Demetri and Eileen remained silent. Once they had made it, Demetri pulled Eileen to his side before they entered school.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

Eileen shrugged, "Like shit. Sorry for dumping my issues on you."

Demetri swings their hands gently, "I just want you to defend yourself but if you want to leave I respect that. But you may never know, the world may need a bat girl!"

"Are you calling me Barbara Gordon?" She asked with a subtle smile.

"My favorite female hero," he recognized. She smiled before he walked into his classroom. Eileen walked to her classroom.

She entered the room where she found Hawk and Miguel talking to each other. They looked at her for a split second before going back to their conversation.

"Eileen Goldberg?" The teacher asked. Eileen nodded and the teacher pointed at the chair next to Hawk. Eileen nodded and walked to her seat and sat down quietly.

"Eileen," Miguel greeted nicely while Hawk stared at her. She nodded at Miguel with a small smile before she turned away and let her foot bounce anxiously.

"Hey," Hawk whispered as the school bell rang, letting kids know that they needed to get to class, "if that Yasmine bitch bothers you, tell me." Eileen smiled and nodded before a boy walked up to them.

"Hey man," a boy walked in front of the table, looking straight at Hawk, "I just wanted to say I wet the bed since till I was thirteen...There's nothing to be ashamed about."

Eileen grinned knowing he was trying to be kind before hawk stood up and pushed him away, cursing at him. Eileen frowned and shrunk in her seat while Miguel and Hawk talked some more.

"And as we embark on another academic year, it's important to be tolerant and accepting to all of our peers," Eileen closely listened in case there was a club that could help her with getting into a good college.

"Hey! You're not supposed to be in here!" Eileen covered her ears at the sound the mic was making.

"Samantha Larusso. You know what you did and now you're gonna pay for it. I'm coming for you bitch!" She declared to the whole school before it cut off. Miguel rushed out of the classroom before the other students followed. Eileen felt her anxiety rush through her veins as she stood up quickly to run before her teacher grabbed her elbow.

"Eileen, I don't think this is safe for your condition," she said worriedly but Eileen ignored it and ran to find one of her friends.

She saw Chris and attempted to run to him when she felt her waist gets grabbed and shoved into the lockers. She saw the same guy she kicked away from the mall. He attempted to punch her but she ducked down and kicked him in the ribs.

She saw Demetri run away as she watched him before the boy pushed her back into the lockers. He punched her in the stomach making her hunch over before she struck his neck, causing him to grab it so he could get air.

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