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Eileen took the next day off, letting her body rest after the slight panic she cause for the few minutes she was out. Demetri stayed with her, trying to learn everything he could about tachycardia. He got so overworked about learning it that he fell asleep in her bean bag chair.

Eileen had gotten up early and was eager to go back to Miyagi Do when she noticed the boy. She grabbed a blanket and laid it on him before changing into her workout gear.

"Morning, sunshine," Kelli called before she noticed Demetri sprawled on the bean bag. Eileen walked out of the bathroom when her mom gave her a pointed look.

"Why is Demetri sprawled on the bean bag?" She asked, pointing to the very obvious pull-out bed she had made for him to sleep on in the living room.

"He fell asleep here, I didn't want to wake him," Eileen shrugged, grabbing her bag to pack her snack bag for Miyagi Do. Kelli nodded before giving the girl a knowing look before walking away.

"Hey Tri—"

"You should avoid Alcohol, caffeine in coffee, chocolate, and some sodas and teas!" Demetri announced, waking up startled.

Eileen nodded, "Good to know. You want breakfast?" Demetri nodded to her question and they went on to have breakfast before Kelli told them that they needed to get a move on for practice.

"Can we use the new transportation device?" Eileen asked with a slight grin on her face. Samuel made the same face back before they rushed to the garage, Demetri cluelessly following after them.

"Oh no," He muttered, looking at the golf cart that Samuel and Eileen had gotten together. The older man gave her the keys before she rushed to the driver's seat shouting at Demetri to hurry up.

After a very stressful ride with Eileen driving the golf cart, they made it to practice, where they got pretty exhausted pretty quick.

"Oh God, it's so hot out. I'm sweating in places I didn't know I had pores," Demetri said lit loud, rubbing his sweat onto Sam before leaning his head on Eileen.

Eileen looked at Daniel, who seemed to be a little shaken up, which gave her worry. She didn't want him to be nervous or stressed about anything karate-related, this was supposed to be a fun thing to do.

"Alright, guys, get out from under that tree. It's time to get to work," Daniel announced, making everyone groan. Sam got up before helping Eileen up. Demetri lifted his hands to each of the girls so they both yanked him forward. Demetri almost fell back down, but at least he was standing.

"This heatwave is a gift. Today you are going to experience Shochu-Geiko," Daniel told the group. Eileen and Sam gave each other a look, confused about what that was.

"Like the car insurance?" Chris asked which made Eileen look at him. They stared before laughing, not being able to hold each other's stare.

"Shochu-Geiko is a Japanese exercise where you train during the hottest days of the year. It's about pushing yourself to your limit. The fight isn't always going to come when it's 75 degrees and windy," Daniel explained.

Eileen gently kicked the dirt, "Damn. Could've used that car insurance for the golf cart."

"Aren't we supposed to avoid fighting?" Sam asked, ignoring Eileen's comment. She watched Daniel sigh as his body language shifted.

"Sometimes you can't. Someday, the fight may come to you. And I wanna make sure you're ready. So today, we're gonna see what Miyagi Do is made of," Daniel announced.

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