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December 19

Eileen was immediately bombarded by a cobra who grabbed her from behind by the hips. Eileen yelped and kicked him in the groin before he bent over. Eileen took that chance and kicked him to the ground. She went to Tory next and jumped on her back and wrapped her elbow around her neck. Tory tried to get her off, but Eileen just wrapped her legs around tighter.

"Yeah, how's it feel?" She spat at her before she slid off her back and pushed her into another Cobra Kai.

She saw Nate and Bert being shoved into their Christmas tree so she swung into action. She quickly jumped on the back of the guy who shoved them there and covered his eyes so he couldn't see. He grabbed her left arm and pulled her over his body and to the ground but she lifted both legs and kicked his face, causing him to back away from her.

She got up and started to have a coughing fit. Her heart rate was too fast but the adrenaline of fighting distracted her from not stopping to breathe.

"You want to go? Let's go then!" The guy with a now bloodied face shouted. Eileen rolled her eyes but went into her position.
Someone grabbed her from behind causing her not to be able to block the punch to her face or the roundhouse kick to the gut.

He then struck her neck, which caused her to start coughing violently. Her heartbeat was already going fast enough. The guy let her go and they went to demetri, who was trying to get to Eileen. She lay on her side trying to catch her breath when she noticed Hawk in the corner of her eye. She quickly moved to her stomach, thinking that he was going to strike Demetri.

"Hey, yo, Hawk! Free shot!" The guy yelled to him. Eileen moved to her stomach trying to army crawl there stop it. But before she could get there, Hawk kicked the guy who attacked Eileen and then flipped the guy who was holding Demetri onto the glass table, causing little shards of glass to hit Eileen's face.

Demetri turned to Eileen, as he and hawk both picked her up to her feet. Eileen held on to Demetri while Hawk watched them look at him nervously.

"Look, guys, I'm sorry. For all of it. Do you want to help me win this thing?" He asked. Demetri nodded. Eileen nodded but groaned in pain. Her head was bleeding from the glass and she had a black eye from the cobra. She felt that her head was going to explode.

"Eileen, find somewhere safe to stay, okay?" Demetri told her, starting to fight someone else. Eileen held onto the wall.

"No, tri, I need to—"

"Eileen, I love you, and I can't let you get hurt more than you already are," demetri said without hesitation. He went to say something else but he was bombarded by another person from Cobra Kai.

"You what?" Eileen's mouth fell gap before she looked around. Sam wasn't here. And neither was Tory. Her eyes widened with worry so she started to run to find her. She walked outside and found her fighting Sam.
She found herself watching the two fighting it out. Soon, Sam had her against the wall, throwing the nunchucks out of her hand. 

Miguel, Hawk, and Demetri ran to her side before all four rushed through the door.

"Hey, guys stop!" Miguel shouted.

"Tory, the fights over," Hawk told her.

"It's not over. This will never be over, LaRusso, you hear me?" Tory threatened.

"You know where to find me," Sam retorted. Eileen grabbed onto Demetri's hand. Tory started to lower her fists and walk to Hawk and Miguel.

"Traitors," she told them before looking to Hawk, "you better watch your back." Demetri let go of her hand and stood in front of Tory before she could exit, Eileen, looking at him in concern.

"He won't have to. He's got friends watching it for him," Demetri told her off. Eileen smiled as Tory walked out before looking at Demetri. She walked over and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back, kissing the top of her head.

"Are they dating?" Hawk asked, now realizing how close they are to each other.

"Oh no, they're always like this," Miguel replied sarcastically, using Hawk's exact words when Miguel first met Eileen. Sam laughed quietly while Hawk rolled his eyes.

"If you guys need to go home, you can. I have to explain what happened here," Sam told the group. Hawk nodded and helped Miguel to his car.

"Can I stay? I don't think I can drive with this black eye right now," Eileen asked Sam. Sam nodded and she and demetri helped her to the couch.

Once they made it to the couch, Sam went to get some ice packs. Eileen and Demetri sat in silence before Eileen looked at him. He felt her gaze and moved his eyes from the ceiling to her.

"I love you too," she mumbled.

"So, we both like each other. Does this mean we could date?" Demetri asked.

"I think so, I want to be your girlfriend," she replied, "but if it's alright with you, could we take things slow? I've never actually been in a relationship before so..."

Demetri turned to her, "Eileen, of course, I will. I've wanted to be with you since the first day we met, and shockingly, I've never been in a relationship either." Eileen laughed at his sarcasm before Sam walked in with the ice pack.

"Sam?" Daniel and Amanda walked into the house to find it a mess. Sam rushed to them to explain what happened. Eileen had her head on Demetri's shoulder as her head started to pound. Daniel, who looked pissed grabbed the car keys and stormed off, Sam following him.

Amanda watched them before she saw the duo on the couch.

"Hey, you two, I'm gonna take you two home, and try to explain what the hell just happened, okay?" Amanda smiled at them. Eileen smiled back as the group went to the LaRusso's car.

Once Demetri got dropped off, Amanda went to Eileen's house. When she opened the door, Kelli walked to her and hugged her tightly. Samuel patted her back as Amanda told them what happened.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to San Diego?" Kelli whispered.

"I enjoy it here and the karate. I don't think I want to stop, yet." Eileen explained. Kelli nodded as Amanda went back to her house.

"Kreese is a dumbass," Samuel muttered.

"A dumbass that's going to lose the all-valley karate tournament," Kelli added making Eileen smile.

"Hell yeah he will," she added before she put a bag of peas onto her eye. They watched a movie while Eileen fell asleep.

The next day Demetri and Eileen arrived at Miyagi Do karate. They both walked in with a big grin on their face as they said hello to the other Miyagi Dos hand in hand. Daniel walked in and looked around at his students. They looked to their left as they saw members of Eagle Fang karate start to walk in.

Miguel then walked next to Sam as Hawk walked next to Eileen and Demetri. The two boys did their bro-hug then Eileen gave Hawk a welcoming hug. Hawk smiled as they released and stood next to them. And then they turned their heads to see Johnny Lawrence walk in.

He walked next to Daniel, as he turned his head to see him. They nodded to each other before Johnny walked next to him, the men now facing their students. They started to bow at the students, whilst the students copied them. Then they faced each other.

"You ready?" Daniel asked.

"Let's begin!" Johnny shouted.


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