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Eileen had it all set. The lights, the rose petals, even the music. She just had to get Demetri to come over. She, Kelli, and Samuel had created the perfect prom ask. All Demetri had to do was to say yes.

Demetri and Eileen had agreed to meet up at the drive-in movie for their second date. Technically their first but Eileen counted pulling out the weeds as their first date because she was doing it with him. She was in the attic where she would lure him to where she created a sign. It read, 'it would be a dark knight without you so would you go to prom with me?'. She added the Batman logo before she wrote the words to make it perfect.

As she set it, a photo fell out of a box. She noticed it and picked it up. It was dusty so she wiped it off. She saw a picture of her mom when she was young and pregnant being held by a man who had black hair and a striking resemblance to herself. She gapped at the photo realizing that it was her father.

"Eileen? You okay?" She heard Samuel ask her. Eileen stuffed the photo back into the box so it wouldn't be found.

"All good," she told Samuel. She climbed down the ladder to the living room. Her mom smiled at her while she got a text message from Demetri. It read if she was ready to go get food before they went to the drive-in.

She texted him 'yeah', before she stuffed her phone into her pocket and grabbed her shoes and purse, and walked out of the house. She walked over to Demetri's house where he and Hawk were waiting for her outside.

"There she is!" Hawk exclaimed. Eileen hugged Demetri from the side as she and Hawk did their secret handshake. The trio packed into the car and went to Swagat, Eileen's mom's restaurant.

"Why are we here again?" Hawk asked as they entered the place.

"To hang out before the movie," Eileen replied with a frown, "do you not want to be here?"

"No," he spoke quickly, "I mean, we can eat at the place is what I meant."

"Eileen won't eat there," Demetri explained, "because of her tachycardia."

"One of my many, many issues when it comes to me eating out," she added. The waitress saw Eileen and led them to the back room where they didn't have to see any others. Hawk and Demetri looked confused before Eileen turned around, "but if your mom has a restaurant it has its benefits."

"Woah." Hawk stared down at the huge bowl of samosas that Kelli placed down as well as the mint and tamarind chutney.

"We didn't even order," Demetri spoke up looking to Kelli.

"I just wanted to get some appetizers,". Eileen told Demetri. He nodded as they gazed into their eyes of each other. 

"I wanted you three to try my new garlic chutney," Kelli interrupted, placing down a red sauce which caused Eileen to widen her eyes. This was the garlic chutney which, in Kelli's opinion, was made with love. Eileen's opinion was it was made to burn your body. To say the least, it was incredibly spicy.

"Ms. Kelli this looks incredible," Hawk told her with a smile. He grabbed a vegetable samosa and put a lot onto the samosa. He bit into it while Eileen cringed. Not even a second later, Hawk looked at Kelli with a wide-eyed glance.

"Did I mention it was a little spicy?" Kelli asked.

"Mom!" Eileen scolded. She grabbed Eli's elbow and led him into the kitchen to grab him something to cool his tongue, which left Demetri and Kelli.

"Usually the father does this talk. But since Eileen's father is a jackass, I have to do it." Demetri gulped before Kelli sighed, "that girl is very naive."

THAT'S WHAT EVERYBODY SAID, cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now