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When Eileen left the party, nothing went right for her. Her car was followed again. When she was finally able to be back home,
she couldn't tell Demetri last night like she wanted because her mom was in a bad mental state. Samuel had left her the last night they stayed at the hotel, saying he had to go back to San Diego. He left a note to Eileen, knowing it would be too hard to say goodbye to her in person.

Eileen walked into the next practice, instantly telling Demetri the news as Hawk and Sam walked up to them, Bert and Miguel not too far behind.

"Wa- Wa- Wait. Okay, so Sensei Taragaryen paid off the ref at the All Valley and framed Kreese for a crime he didn't commit? Never let me miss a house party again." Demetri nodded toward Eileen and Hawk.

"Well it only lasted an hour, after the news broke out, Eileen used Robby's led lights to make it look like the police were there so we could discuss what the hell just happened." Eli nodded. Eileen crossed her arms and shrugged as Demetri nodded.

"We need to tell the senseis."  Miguel insisted to Sam.

"What are they gonna do? We all saw what happened to my dad when he confronted Silver. I don't want him getting hurt like that again." Sam looked down. Eileen rubbed her arm in comfort.

"Besides, if this ref and Stingray are on Silver's payroll, they'll never admit to anything," Demetri added.

"We're stuck." Eileen sighed, crossing her arms.

Bert looked up at them, "I'm not so sure about that. I know he's in Cobra Kai and I'm in Eagle Fang, but Stingray's still my friend."

"Like me and Robby at prom!" Eileen pointed out.

Eli raised an eyebrow, "You and Robby were friends at prom?"

"He's the one that played karma chameleon. Wait! Didn't he lie though? What if he lies to you?" Eileen asked Bert.

"He wouldn't lie to me. At least I hope he wouldn't." Bert nodded to Eileen.

"You think you could get him to talk?" Eli asked. Bert nodded.

"Find out where he lives," Sam told him. The group dispersed to go except for Miguel and Sam who talked amongst themselves.

Eileen patted Hawk on the back, "That's your kid!" Hawk shook his head but laughed.

A few hours later, Bert knew the address.

Bert was the one to knock on the apartment door. Eileen had her hand in Demetri's waiting to see who would open the door. They hid away from his door, waiting to see what would happen. As soon as the three other players left they revealed themselves.

"Miyagi—Fangs?" Stingray was confused to see them. "Oh! This is a trap. Oh, you admiral Ackbar-ed me. Et Tu, Bert-tay."

"Knock it off. We know Kreese never hurt you." Hawk cut him off.

"According to my testimony in a court of law, he did. So... read the transcript." Stingray denied.

"Cut the bullshit!" Eileen butted in. Stingray went to close the door but Sam stopped it.

"You lied to the court, and you lied to my dad. But you're not going to lie to us." Sam instructed him, walking into his house.

"You're just going to let her— Now you're all walking in," Stingray commented until he realized Eileen was at the door. "Aren't you going to come in?"

"Mango Lassi?" She offered the drink to him.

"Welcome inside." Stingray took the drink, and Eileen walked in, standing between Demetri and Sam.

THAT'S WHAT EVERYBODY SAID, cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now