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Kicks get Chicks

Eileen was at the smoothie shop, grabbing a smoothie when she noticed Robby in the corner of her eye walk by. She grabbed her smoothie once it was made and rushed out behind him.

"Robby!" She yelled out, setting her smoothie on a bench before walking up to him. Robby turned as Eileen punched him square in th eye. Robby grabbed his eye in pain, before looking up to Eileen breathing heavily.

"How could you do that?" She asked with a clear sadness in her voice. Her fists were balled up as she frowned at him.

"You know what he did Eileen," Robby tried to explain but she shook her head, "he had no right to do that too—"

"Quiet!" She yelled, sounding exactly like Johnny. Robby watched her demeanor change from sad to angry.

"I know what Hawk did was wrong, I yelled at him for it in front of you. What I mean is why you would stop talking to me? Did I do something wrong? Eileen spoke angrily, "I understand that so many people failed you, but did I fail you? I don't think I did but I could be very wrong."

Robby didn't speak, just watched her. He wanted to hug her, make her feel better like a brother would, but he couldn't.

"I want to be on your side, Robby, I really do. But I can't. And it's not because of this enemy bullshit, it's because I want you to be happy. And if being happy means you being in Cobra Kai and not being friends, it's fine," Eileen spoke before grabbing her smoothie.

"Here. Sorry for punching you in the face," Eileen added quickly. She handed him her smoothie, walking away swiftly to her car before he could deny it. Robby sighed before walking to the Cobra Kai dojo, figuring out what explanation he would use to why he had the black eye instead of using the truth.

Eileen drove to the Miyagi Do dojo where she noticed Sam punching a punching bag and Demetri holding it.

"Sorry, I'm late guys, I had to do something for my mom," Eileen lied, walking up next to Sam, watching her punch and kick harshly.

"Easy. Save some for Cobra Kai," Demetri said to Sam.

Sam scoffed, "yeah, if we're ever allowed to stand up to them."

"She's not wrong," Eileen added before Daniel slid the door open.

"Hey, everyone, gather around, I have news. The All Valley committee just announced big changes for the tournament," Daniel announced. Eileen and Demetri held hands as they lined up in front of their sensei.

"What kind of changes?" Sam asked.

"Well, see for yourself. It's a whole new ball game," Daniel handed Sam the paper as the group read through it. Eileen unlinked Demetri's hand to go on the other side of Sam to get a better look at it.

"They're introducing skills competitions?" Demetri inquired.

"Yup." Daniel nodded.

"Kata, board breaking, weapons display?" Demetri went on.

"And there's going to be a separate girls' division. So that means..." Sam trailed off.

"There'll be two All Valley champs," Daniel completed her sentence.

"Fun," Eileen commented.

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