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Eileen woke up the next morning to a pillow in the face. She opened her eyes to see Miguel with a mischievous smile. He snickered before he was also smacked in the face by a pillow. Courtesy of Eileen.

"Ow," he mumbled, setting the pillow Eileen threw on the couch.

"You had it coming," she replied, sitting up and setting her feet onto the floor with a sly smile. Miguel looked at the family that took him in for a second before sitting on the couch with Eileen so they couldn't see the duo.

"So, are you going to meet your dad somewhere?" Miguel asked her.

"Uh, yeah. Yes, we are meeting at the uh, El Hoyo Verde. Your dad told me it was a good spot to hang out with your parents," Eileen informed him.

"Me and Hector are actually headed there as well," He spoke with a smile.

"Sweet! So if something happens I can yell for you," Eileen said out loud, mostly to herself but Miguel heard.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, a smile still lingered on his face but it was mixed with confused eyes.

Eileen inhaled, "I mean, what if he's a jerk that didn't deserve my mom? What if I'm making a mistake meeting him?"

"Okay first off, tell your brain to shut up," Miguel instructed.

"Why would I do that? I need my brain, Miguel!" She murmured harshly, not trying to get attention from the family.

"Because you are overwhelming yourself, just meet your dad, and if he's cool, don't be worried. If he isn't and you're still worried, stay out in public where people can see you." He reassured the girl, "Now get dressed. You can use my room to get ready, I'll be down here."

Eileen nodded, grabbed her backpack then walked up the stairs, noticing Miguel and his dad talking once she was gone. She changed into a romper since Miguel brought his nice outfit. She looked at ber phone and saw Demetri had texted her.

Tri: you coming home soon?

She texted him back with, After I meet him, promise. She heard a knock at the door. She opened it to see Miguel with his phone. She understood he needed to be alone so she exited the room. A moment later, Hector arrived upstairs.

"Where is Miguel?" He asked. She pointed to the room. He nodded.

"Vamonos, Miguel. El Hoyo Verde is calling. Come on, let's go!" He called Miguel, who quickly hang up his phone.

"Hey!" He let out to Hector.

"Come on!" He told the two, ushering them to leave with him. Eileen rode in the back, watching people interacting and listening to Miguel and his dad talk to one another. Soon they were there, everyone trying to say hello to Hector and shaking Miguel and Eileen's hands.

"Is that him?" Hector asked, pointing to a man who was looking for someone at the door.

"Uh, yeah, I think so." Eileen looked at him for a second before turning back.

"There she is!" A voice yelled from across the room. The three of them turned to see a man with incredibly long curly hair walk up to them, the man resembling Eileen. "That's my daughter!"

Eileen smiled as they only half hugged. He hugged her tightly, Eileen feeling slightly safe in his arms. Dev decides to take her upstairs so they could watch the fighting from above. Miguel was across from her with his father.

"What do you want to drink?" He asked as a waitress walked over for their order.

"What can I have that doesn't contain alcohol?" She asked the waitress.

THAT'S WHAT EVERYBODY SAID, cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now