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"This is pretty fancy," Demetri admitted as he stepped into the limo, Hawk climbing in afterward. They both wore purple tuxes.

"Yeah, they said that I could use it to pick you guys up, and then they'll use it for their getaway," Eileen told them, messing with her purple dress.

"So, they're getting remarried?" Hawk asked Eileen. The car started to move as they buckled themselves up.

"Not exactly. Apparently, their getting wasted and trying to get married plan ultimately failed because the person who did their ceremony wasn't ordained. Plus Amanda had begged them to do an actual wedding so here we are." She explained, waving her hands around.

The car stopped again. This time, Robby, Miguel, and Tory climbed in. Robby and Miguel wore matching black suits while Tory wore a black dress.

"Were we supposed to wear purple?" Miguel asked as Robby shut the door of the limo.

Eileen shook her head, "Nope. You were supposed to wear black." She raised her hands to Demetri and Hawk who were on either side of her. "Just the brides—people wear purple."

"Didn't know you guys were that close." Robby looked at Demetri or Hawk.

"Kelli drove us anywhere unless she had work. Then she would make us work." Hawk nodded, remembering the day they became waiters for a day.

"And we got to have all of the tips they gave us," Eileen added.

"We made it rain." Demetri finished, pretending to make it rain with his hands. The car stopped after, the driver opened the door letting the group out. Sam waved the group over, wearing a thin-strap dress.

"Oh, you guys look amazing." Sam hugged Eileen before linking arms with Miguel. She nodded to Tory, the two slowly becoming friends.

"Should we get to our seats?" Robby asked out loud, looking at the time on his phone before showing it to them. Eileen nodded.
Demetri lifted his arm, Eileen linking her arms with his as the couple and Hawk walked to the back room where Kelli was.

"Eileen!" Her mom yelled, placing down her coffee and running up to her. "The shit is hitting the fan."

"What?" Eileen asked her mom as she started to pace again. Hawk quickly closed the door so no one else would hear them while Demetri handed Kelli his fidget cube.

"Mom- Mom!" Eileen stopped her mother from walking. "What's happening?"

"My friend isn't coming because she got food poisoning so she can't bring her twins so now we don't have a flower girl or a ring barrier!" Her mom shouted. Eileen shushed her, then she turned to Demetri and Hawk and pulled them into a huddle.

"I have an idea just keep her in here and calm... That means let her drink the coffee." Eileen pointed towards Demetri. He rolled his eyes but nodded. Eileen exited the room and saw Johnny by the appetizers.

"Johnny!" She pulled him to the side. "Get your kids over here!"

"Are they in trouble?" Johnny asked, noticing her urgency. Eileen shook her head but forced him to go. Johnny walked back with Robby and Miguel, both looking confused.

"What's going on?" Robby asked, noticing the look on Eileen's face.

"Last minute thing. We need flower girls, so here." Eileen nodded, handing them the baskets from underneath the table. "And a ring barrier." She handed johnny the pillow that held both rings as Demetri, Hawk, and Kelli was ready to walk down.

"Now go!" She ushered them. Robby and Miguel awkwardly walked down the aisle throwing the petals. Sam and Tory hid their laughter when they saw Robby smack Miguel's hand when he grabbed too much, making sure they were evenly distributed along the aisle.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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