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The rise

"Oh thank God, she's waking up."

"She's still breathing, right?"

"Why wouldn't she be breathing?"

"I'm panicked, give me a break!"

Eileen slowly opened her eyes, squinting because of the lights before seeing a whole bunch of faces looking down at her. She soon recognized them to be her mom, Samuel, Daniel, Sam, Amanda, Demetri, Eli, and Chris.

"Is she okay, I can't see her. Can one of you move?" She heard Miguel speak up. Sam crouched down so he could see. Eileen saw him in the little medical bed, along with his Mom, Sensei Lawrence, and Yaya.

"What happened to you?" Eileen asked.

"Pulled muscle, what about you?" Miguel asked her back. Eileen shrugged, not being able to remember.

"I'm really glad you aren't dead," Demetri mumbled, nuzzling into her shoulder. Eileen looked at the rest of the group for an explanation.

"Okay, so, you're supposed to go against Piper right? Well, no one knew where you were so Sam went to check the bathrooms..." Eli trailed off. He motioned for Sam to start explaining what she saw.

Sam nodded, "You were passed out by the lockers so I shouted for a medic which gave  Demetri a minor heart attack."

"Can I have some space to talk to her?" The medic spoke up, eyeing the people that surrounded her. The group nodded and tried to move but ended up bumping into each other, apologizing for doing so, then attempting to find another way but failing as well.

"Okay! Parents and Senseis only!" He called.

"Can boyfriends stay?" Demetri asked.

"Parents and Senseis only." The medic affirmed. The boy huffed, walking out with the other Miyagi Dos. Samuel looked at Kelli, only to be met with a cold glare. He looked back at Eileen before walking out as well.

"Well, we believe the cause was your anxiety. Do you remember anything?" he asked her. Eileen shook her head. She grabbed her head from the pounding, Daniel taking notice, "Well if you want, you can go back, Sam took on Piper for you but if you're ready, you can go against her."

Eileen nodded as the medic went to Miguel's side of the room. She grabbed her head again, attempting to massage the pain away.

"Can you walk?" Daniel asked. Eileen went to stand but got incredibly unsteady. She almost fell back if Daniel hadn't grabbed her arms and helped her stand.

"She can't compete anymore," Kelli sighed, "and to think, I slapped the senseis at the snake karate for nothing." Eileen looked at her in shock, Kelli just shrugging it off. The rest of the group left to go watch the rest of the match. Miguel started to practice his kicks gently as Eileen pulled out the photo.

"What's that?" Miguel asked, as he slowly walked over to her.

"Picture of my dad. I want to meet him, but, he's not in my life," Eileen explained. Miguel looked at the photo before gasping.

"That's... That's my dad." Miguel pointed to the other man in the photo. "I don't have the photo with me now but that's definitely him."

"Holy shit," she gapped before she heard a knock at the door. Eileen quickly hid the photos and put her earbuds in as Miguel went back to practicing his kicks. It was Johnny, just making sure Miguel was ready.

Once he left, Miguel sighed and sat down on the bed. Eileen took her earbuds out and gave him a sympathetic look, "Penny for your thoughts?"

"I don't wanna fight. I want to figure out who I am and that fight isn't going to help me... I think... meeting my dad might," Miguel explained.

"Really?" She asked. Miguel nodded as they overheard Daryl talk into his mic about Miguel.

"Don't you want to meet your dad?" He asked. Eileen hesitated to respond. She did but she didn't.

"I was going to meet him...On the day of the school fight. He didn't show up," she mumbled the last part.

"Did you ever find out why?" Miguel questioned back.

"I blocked him after Demetri found me," she replied, pulling her phone out of her bag. She turned it on to see his number. She unblocked it to see he had been texting her.

Dad: I'm so sorry. I had a work emergency. Please forgive me, I want to meet you so badly. Come to Mexico, come visit me! I know you can do it if you really do love me and want to meet me. I and my business partner would love to meet you.

"I think our dads are working together," Miguel spoke quietly. She looked at him before looking down at her phone.

"We should see them," Miguel suggested.

"I don't know, I don't know if I can necessarily trust my dad after what my mom-" Eileen said before stopping remembering what her mom said.

"I need to do it. I need to go. I wanna find out who I am. If you want to join me then you can. Just meet me at the bus stop if you're coming, okay?" Miguel asked. She nodded.

Miguel exited the room, as did Eileen. The buzzer went off, letting the crowd know that Miguel wasn't returning. She took a deep breath before walking out the door and to her house.

Once she was there, she grabbed papers and started writing letters to her closest people. When she was done she went upstairs and grabbed a suitcase, she felt tears brimming in her eyes as she packed. Now that she was packed, she wiped her eyes.

Her mom had texted her and asked where she was and Eileen responded that 'she wasn't feeling well so she went home.' Her mom had responded with 'Feel better! Eli and Demetri are having some I'm sorry you didn't win the whole thing but here's free food party.'

She turned her phone onto airplane mode once she made it to the bus stop.

"You came," Miguel spoke up from behind her. She turned to face him and nod, still clearly nervous. Eileen put her suitcase on the side of the bus where the storage goes before climbing the stairs from behind him. They both bought their tickets and went to their seats, watching the night sky. Eileen closed her eyes, putting her earbuds in, the same way she did when she came back to the Valley, almost a year ago. She laid back before closing her eyes, trying not to be anxious.

Back at the Valley, Samuel realized he had forgotten some of his things at Kelli's house. After an awkward conversation, Samuel was able to go to her house to retrieve those things.

"Eileen!" He called when he got inside. It was quiet. He checked her room but she wasn't there. He checked all around the house but she wasn't there. And then he saw the letters. He saw an envelope with his name on it and read it. Once he finished reading it, he grabbed all of the letters and went to his ex-girlfriend's restaurant.

"Kelli!" Samuel called, gaining the attention of Demetri and Eli as well. Kelli rolled her eyes before noticing his worried look, "what?"

"Eileen's gone." He handed her the letter the girl made for her. She breathed heavily, grabbing a table for balance. Eli and Demetri stood up and went to her to see what was happening.

"We're closed," Kelli said loudly. The other customers looked confused before Kelli became angrier, "Get out!" They all quickly got out except for the four, trying to stay calm.

AN: Can't wait for September 9th :D. Also sorry this chapter was rushed...

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