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"Eileen, what am I gonna wear to the party?" Demetri asked, looking through his wardrobe while Eileen sat on his bed. 

Eileen shrugged, "Whatever you want. Why do I have to choose?" Demetri's eyes moved away from the closet and onto the girl.

"To match, duh!" He replied. Eileen rolled her eyes and sighed before she sat up to look at his wardrobe. Eileen currently was wearing a white tank top with a soft green loose button-up and jean shorts.

"Wear this," Eileen told him, pulling out a plain blue button-up and red shirt. Demetri grabbed the things Eileen suggested plus grabbed a pair of shorts before he kicked Eileen out of his room and changed.

Demetri rushed out and took Eileen's hand as they rushed to their car so Demetri's moms wouldn't ask where they were going.

"Our first high school party!" Eileen cheered as Demetri drove out of the driveway to the road.

"Yeah," Demetri agreed, not mentioning to the girl about the party where Aisha had given someone a wedgie so he didn't spoil her fun, "there's gonna be food, drinks, and board games."

"Oh yeah," Eileen muttered, her tone dropping to a sadder one. Demetri took notice of it and gave her a concerned look.

"Hey, you know you don't have to drink any alcohol, right?" Demetri reminded. He knew that Eileen and her mom had their issues with alcohol, but he never pushed it, knowing it was extremely personal.

"Yeah, but then I'll look like a loser," she noted, staring at the window as they pulled up to the house. Moon and Demetri lived close to each other, making it easier for them to hang out.

"Then we won't drink together," Demetri concluded, exiting the car, and grabbing his board game.

Eileen followed his lead and smiled. They both held each other's hands as they walked into the party. Chris and the other Miyagi Dos had caught up with them as they walked up the driveway.

"There's a lot of people out here already," Chris commented. Eileen nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I guess Moon must have invited other kids from school," Sam responded.

"I only brought trivial pursuit. If I'd known there be this many people, I would've brought balderdash," Demetri ranted to the group.

"Oh, sweet Demetri, I don't think this party is a bring a board game party," Eileen said with a smile. The group walked inside and through a hallway before they found a few Cobra Kai members sitting on the couch.

The karate rivals frowned when they saw each other, except Eileen who gave an awkward smile to them. Hawk stared down at Demetri, who looked down. Eileen patted his back as he pulled her in front of him. Miguel and Tory walked in for a bit before noticing Sam.

They walked away before Moon walked up to Sam to talk. The group went their separate ways, Eileen going to grab something while Aisha went to go use the bathroom.

"Aisha, hey!" She called.

"What?" She asked, annoyance in her tone. Eileen stopped for a second before mumbling a small ' nothing, sorry' and walking back to Demetri. She crossed her arms as she stared through the window to see Sam chugging an alcoholic substance on a stool.

"Eileen! Listen," Demetri whispered, hearing the song that had just come on. Still into you by Paramore blasting from the speakers. Eileen's childhood favorite song.

Her frown cracked into a smile before she yanked Demetri to the space where everyone was dancing. He got out of her grasp, standing right outside the people and watching Eileen dance around to the song. She jumped along to the beat, letting her hands sway around. Chris joined her, and the duo pranced and sang along not having a care in the world.

THAT'S WHAT EVERYBODY SAID, cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now