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The good, the bad, and the badass

"I know it's been a while since our last class. After the fight at school, I wasn't sure Miyagi Do should stay open. But things have gotten worse since we shut down. That's why we're back. The only way to stop Cobra Kai is if we all work together. But always remember the reason we learn karate is forgiveness. Compassion. Mr. Miyagi used to say if you're looking for revenge, you could start by digging two graves. He was right. If you have hate in your heart, then you already lost. I know it's not easy, but you have to do whatever you can. Do you understand?" Daniel concluded his speech.

"Yes, sensei!" Miyagi Do shouted. Eileen looked to Demetri, who looked back at her. She grinned ear to ear. She was back doing what she loved. Even though the karate stuff bothered her she wasn't going to let it stop her from doing something she enjoyed.

"So, uh, you up for some smoothies?" Eileen asked after practice. Demetri looked at his phone.

"I can't, maybe next time though!" Demetri said before walking to his car. Eileen bit the inside of her lip as she felt embarrassed now, having nothing else to do for the day. She got home after practice as her mom lay on the couch.

"Hey, mom. How are you doing?" she greeted. 

"In the mood for mango lassi, you want to get one?" Kelli asked. Eileen nodded before they went to the car.

"I miss doing us things," Kelli said in the car as they both drank the mango lassi. Eileen nodded in agreement.

"I hate to ask you this," Kelli started.

"Why ask then?"

"Because you need to hear it."

"Oh boy."

"Why do you hang out with Demetri so much?" She asked.

"Well, he just- I don't know, he just knows what's wrong when I'm anxious. He knows how to help, he's— what's that analogy you used? Oh! He's my rock in the storm of craziness." Eileen explained.

"Do you love him?" Kelli questioned her.

"I think so," she replied honestly.

"Okay," Kelli said, letting Eileen process what her mom just helped her realize.

The next day at school, Eileen left gym class early so she was able to study for a test she had on physics. As she walked she saw Demetri making out with Yasmine.

Eileen watched before she walked away quickly. She was in shock. Sam and Miguel saw it as well because Sam had texted her immediately. Eileen just felt embarrassed. She was going to tell him that she wanted to go out with him on an actual date. But she couldn't anymore.

Eileen didn't go to practice after school, she texted Chris to tell Daniel. She had told her mom about it and she decided that she was going to get her ice cream. She heard her phone buzz. It was Sam calling.

"Hey, Sam—"

"The all-valley competition is canceled," Sam said on the other line.

"Are you kidding, ugh, this day sucks!" Eileen groaned before hitting her head with a pillow.

"I know," Sam agreed, "do you want to come over later after we discuss to the council that we should keep going. It'll be over at around seven." Sam asked

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