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"Eileen, wake up!" She heard Miguel yell at her once more. She wanted to oblige but her body just wouldn't. It felt exhausted. Then she felt her body being shaken awake, Eileen's eyes opening widely to see Miguel staring back at her. She blinked rapidly before looking up at Miguel who now stood above her.

"Demetri wasn't wrong when he said you were a heavy sleeper," Miguel chuckled. She wanted to agree but her body didn't feel like itself. She grinned at the boy, not wanting to worry him, and stood up from her seat to exit the bus. She descended the stairs to the ground, grabbed her backpack out from the side, and looked around with Miguel.

A woman walked up to the two, clearly wanting him to buy a necklace. Eileen shook her head as Miguel stopped her.

"Oh, no, no. No gracias," he responded to her. Eileen walked next to him as he smiled and looked around. He seemed so happy to be there. She smiled as he kept replying no to the merchants who were prying on the tourists. He picked up his phone as the duo stood together, looking around the beach.

"Damn," he cursed, looking at the no signal, "you?" Eileen looked at her phone. It was at 1%. She showed Miguel, sighing at the sight. They were now lost.

"Oi! You pair need some help mates?" A voice called out to them. Eileen shook her head, noticing their off vibes but Miguel didn't.

"Uh, no-" Eileen attempted to say.

"Uh, yeah," Miguel interrupted, "Yeah. Yeah. I'd love done help. My phone's out of service and her's is dead." Miguel dropped his backpack down so he could pull out his map, Eileen backing away to look at a pair of boys playing volleyball. She smiled at the thought of Demetri when they reunited, the look on his face when he saw that she wasn't wearing sunscreen.

She noticed the man pulling out a map in the corner of her eye. she didn't know what it was, for all she knew it could've been a weapon. She walked up to him, Miguel pulling her back noticing her anger. The man then showed them the place, dotting the exact location they needed, which gave Eileen a second to take her breath of fresh air. She was safe. She didn't have to feel in danger like she did at the Valley for being in Miyagi Do. Why all of a sudden is she feeling like shit and thinking the worst of people?

"Perfect. Thank you, guys!" He grinned at them. Eileen stared into the goon who just uncomfortably stared at her back.

"No worries. Not easy to find your way around here," the Australian replied, seeming to be laid back, almost handing the map to Eileen before taking it back when she reached for it. "Actually, you don't mind giving me some pesos, do you? Just cause it's my map and all."

Miguel still being naive nodded, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. H-How many?"

"Yeah, how many?" Eileen repeated, looking between them.

"Oh. Well, five bucks sound fair?" He asked, looking between the two. Eileen shrugged and gave them a big smile as Miguel agreed as well.

"Yeah, that sounds more than fair," Miguel obliged, handing the group five dollars.

"All right! There you go!" The man handed Miguel the map.

"Thanks, brother." Miguel nodded at the group. But there was one issue. Eileen was also naive.

"How much you wanna pay for the bag?" The Australian man questioned Miguel.

"The bag?" Miguel and Eileen repeated him until they saw one of his goons holding up Miguel's bookbag.

"Shit," Eileen cursed. Miguel went to get his back but the Australian guy stopped him. Miguel turned back to Eileen, who nodded, ready to fight if needed. But Miguel didn't.
He gave them the money.

THAT'S WHAT EVERYBODY SAID, cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now