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"You guys ready?" Eileen asked, walking up to Sam and Eli. Eli nodded, stretching his arms while Sam took a deep breath, slowly nodding. Kenny had yelled at Robby, storming up to him as Anthony walked away.

"There she is!" She heard Demetri from behind her. Eileen smiled as the two wrapped an arm around one another. The senseis walked up to the judges, consulting before it began.

"Time to begin." The judge announced. Robby and Eli fist-bumped and Eileen fist-bumping him afterward. "Eli Moskowitz and Kenny Payne, please take the mat."

Kenny walked on, a menacing look on his face. Eli hopped on like he usually did, getting one last fist bump from Demetri before walking to him.

"Face me. Bow. Face each other. Bow. Ready? Fight!" They got into fighting stances before it started. Kenny quickly attempted to kick him, but Eli moved out of the way before he could. Kenny started to swing at him, Eli using the waxing on and off method to block them before Kenny managed to kick him in the rib cage.

"Point. One-Zero, Payne." The referee announced. Cobra Kai cheered, all except for one, Tory. Eileen took notice of it.

"Ready? Fight!" Kenny attempted to kick again, Eli blocking it all three times. Kenny attempted to punch and kick, but Eli shoved him away. Eli jumped and kicked him.

"Yes!" Johnny attempted to cheer.

"Out of bounds!" The referee yelled. "No point."

"What?" Eileen gapped out loud. "Bull!"

"Come on, ref, that's horseshit. He made contact in bounds!" Johnny yelled.

"No point. Back on the line." The referee looked at Johnny with a look. Eileen shook her head but Demetri squeezed her hand, knowing it was a lost cause. "Ready? Fight!"

Kenny kicked thrice again, and Eli blocked every attempted hit. Eli went to hit but Kenny blocked them before going to kick him again. When Eli went to kick one final time, Kenny grabbed a hold of his leg hitting it.

"Illegal hit! Turn and Kneel." The referee called.

"Warning? He should be disqualified!" Daniel now yelled out.

"What the hell is going on?" Eileen asked out loud. Robby shrugged, also upset. Demetri just shook his head in annoyance at the ref.
Eli talked to them before heading back to his spot.

"Ready? Fight!" Kenny got into a different position before slamming his fist into Eli's chest, causing him to fall. "Point! Two-Zero, Payne."

Eileen was confused when Hawk didn't get up. But she recognized the look he had on his face. He could barely breathe. She hated that look. She started to breathe heavily, her body taking a step back without realizing it.

"That's a forfeit. Winner, Payne!" The referee announced.

"Eileen?" Demetri asked, her eyes finally noticing him and Robby looking at her with concern.

"I need a second." She managed to get out, swiftly walking out of the room to outside.
Eileen took a deep breath as she crouched down against the brick wall once she made it.

"Eileen-san?" She heard Chosen call for her.

"Hey." She breathed out, looking at him.

"What happened? Did one of them do something?" Chosen asked as he walked up next to her.

"No. I just, couldn't be in there after Hawk got hit. It made me panic, I don't know why but it did." Eileen explained, looking down at her shoes.

"Hawk reminded you of you?" Chosen asked, Eileen nodding. "There is something that bothers you. I've seen it in you recently when fighting. You troubled."

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