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Eileen and Sam stretched out as they waited for the group to come and watch their Eagle Fang-style karate take place. The two girls were given the chance to show how Johnny manages his style, with chains holding watermelons up in the air.

"You ready?" Sam asked the girl as she practiced her punches.

"Oh yeah. I've got some anger I might lash out at on these melons." Eileen nodded, doing one last swing before they lined up with the others.

"Same here," Sam whispered, the two smiling before maintaining a straight face.

"LaRusso. Happy. Step forward," Johnny announced as the council walked into the Eagle Fang dojo. They stepped forward and bowed to the judges, some bowing back.

"Do your thing," Johnny told the two. The girls nodded, getting into their stance. Eileen yelled out first, swinging her fist before slamming it into the watermelon. It broke but not as much as she wanted it to.
Eileen went to the next melon as Johnny started to talk.

"No fancy crap here. Our dojo is old school."
Eileen went into a fighting stance again, slamming her fist into the watermelon, a much bigger piece fell off that time. She hit it again so the melon would fall off of the chain and onto the floor.

"We don't spoil our students. We make them learn things the hard way." Eileen went to her final melon.

"What was that? You think that's a punch? Try again!" Johnny yelled at her. Raising her fist back she thought of her father, and how miserable he made her mother. It made her angry. She shouted out and slammed her fist straight into the melon.

She took a deep breath as she wiggled her hand out of the melon, seeing the impressed faces of the judges, Johnny, and the other students, who did not expect to see that. Eileen bowed to the judges, then nodded to Sam, who kicked it but didn't break it.

"You call that a kick? Harder!" Johnny yelled to her. Sam did what he said to do, breaking the watermelon but getting it onto the head judge. Everyone gasped or froze. Eileen went into action grabbing the paper towels she had in her bag for after she hit the melons and gave them to the judge. He nodded tearing off pieces and attempting to clean himself off.

Johnny turned to him as Eileen froze, "Uh, hey, look man. I'm sure this probably all seems weird to you, but sometimes you have to train outside the box to get to another level. Some people use the latest high-tech junk to get there, and some people need to run up a mountain in the snow and yell."

"Drago!" The judge yelled out, Eileen jumping back, not expecting him to have done that.

The judge turned back to Johnny, "Rocky Balboa is my hero."

"No shit! Mine too!" Johnny responded with a proud look on his face.

"His victory over Russia effectively restored my fractured homeland." The judge explained.

Johnny nodded, "You get it."

He nodded back, "I do. Show me more." He raised his fist.

"Yes sir." The two adults fist-bumped. Eileen walked back to the group, Robby giving her a fist bump as she lined up next to him. After the presentation, the group was invited back to the LaRusso's house for pizza. 

"How are you doing without Miguel?" Eileen asked her.

Sam sighed, "Struggling. I just want him back already but I think it's too soon."

"I know, it's hard," Eileen replied, hugging her with one arm.

"Sam, Eileen. Come out here for a second?" Daniel asked as the two finished their pizza. Eileen raised her eyebrow at Sam, mentally asking her what they were up to, Sam only shrugging in response, a confused look on her face as well.

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