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Then learn fly

Johnny and Daniel walked onto the newly built sparring deck and bowed to each other before facing the students with a pose. The students copied. Daniel had Sam come onto the deck to practice with him as she attacked and he blocked her strikes as they showed off Miyagi Do. Johnny took Miguel on and they showed Eagle Fang and attacked with little defense.

Eileen and Hawk went onto the old sparring deck while they had a break because Eileen wanted to test herself to see her strength and weaknesses since she wanted to get the best of both. The two bowed before Hawk quickly swung his arm at her. She grabbed his arm from behind. She kicked the back of his knee before he grabbed ahold of her and swung her over his body. Eileen caught her balance as Hawk quickly got up after kneeling.

"You're pretty good, E. Are you sure your family hasn't done anything fighting— related?" Hawk said as they bowed to each other.

"Thanks, I think maybe my biological father. My mom said he was some sort of gang," Eileen told him. Hawk nodded as the break was ending. Demetri took her hand as Daniel led them inside to meditate. After practice, Eileen and Demetri ran hand in hand to the golf cart, before they kissed each and bid each other farewell.

The next day, Johnny had to teach Miyagi Do. He had texted them about the meeting location of where they were going so they all carpooled between Eileen and Sam.

They walked inside to see Johnny standing by the stairs. They stood there for a couple of seconds waiting for instruction. Eileen looked to Demetri who looked worried and squeezed his hand for comfort.

"Well, what the hell are you waiting for, move it," He yelled at them. Eileen pulled Demetri up the stairs as the group rushed to follow them. They were fine until it got harder and harder to go up the steps. The next thing they knew was that they were exhausted and using the railing for help.

"Where is he taking us?" Nate whined. Eileen stopped to listen as she was in the front.

"Nowhere good," demetri responded, "I heard he drowned a kid in a pool trying to teach him how to kick and that was before he sicced a rabid dog on Eli. This does not bode well."

"The first one is just a rumor, I'm sure he cares about our safety, you said Hawk was fine afterward," Eileen responded, rolling her eyes.

"After he got his rabies shot!" He cried.

"Let's go, Miyagis! Move your asses!" She heard Johnny yell. Eileen started to go up the next staircase while the others finished the one they stopped on. Johnny kicked the door open once everyone made it to the top.

Eileen grabbed onto Demetri's hand to comfort his fear of heights. She wasn't too afraid of heights. She just preferred staying on the ground. They looked over the edge to see two mattresses, one with a pee stain on them.

"Oh God, I'm tired of being right," Demetri sighed as Eileen backed away from the edge.

"Is it a bad time to admit I'm a little curious about what we're going to do?" Eileen mumbled. Sam shrugged, not knowing before she looked at Johnny.

"What hand we doing here?" Sam asked.

"When an eagle's hungry, it doesn't hesitate. It'll dive down at 100 miles an hour just to snatch its prey. It doesn't wait around for a fish to jump in its feet," Johnny explained.

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