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"I've always wanted to kick your ass, you little bitch!" Kyler exclaimed, swinging at the girl. Eileen ducked under, grabbing his arm and kicking him in the ribs. He groaned as he attempted to get up.

"That was easy," Eileen mumbled when someone jumped on her back. She quickly ran backward, ramming the person into the wall so they would let go. They fell, Eileen kicked them down so they wouldn't try and fight her again.

"You good?" Sam asked, nodding to her watch as a Cobra Kai student stomped up to her.

"Yeah." She nodded as she kneed a boy before kneeling so she could flip the boy over her body to lose balance.

"Miguel, we got it!" Demetri yelled out. Eileen turned to see Kyler behind them.

"Look out!" Eileen shouted. Kyler kicked Hawk from behind, causing him to throw the tablet from his hands. Anthony grabbed it, keeping it close to him.

"Get him!" Kenny yelled out, holding where Miguel had kicked him. Cobra Kai went running at him before Miguel had an idea.

"Protect the egg!" He shouted. The Miyagi Fang crew circled Anthony, making sure no Cobra Kai member could get him. Demetri who was next to Eileen looked at the girl. She looked back at him and nodded, mentally telling him that she was okay.

"Ais!" Miguel yelled. The group copied him, jumping out at the Cobra Kais. They backed up as they did it again. The fighting started back up, Eileen getting more and more aggressive as time went on, her anger getting the best of her.

"There's too many! We can't hold them much longer!" Robby announced. Eileen felt her chest get punched, her heart starting to make it harder to stay awake. She felt her body getting heavy when the clip went onto the tv. The group all turned to see Silver and Tory, talking about the All Valley, and the cheating that went under wraps.

"Eileen." She turned to see Samuel. She smiled as she hugged the man.

"That's it?" A bloodied Terry Silver spoke up.
"That was your big plan, LaRusso? Breaking into my dojo to steal some footage that changes nothing? The janitor could have called the cops."

"It wasn't his plan. It was ours." Tory informed him.

"And it changes everything." Robby backed her up.

Terry walked up to them before going to the kids of his dojo, "Our enemies think they can keep attacking us with no repercussions. And what does the enemy deserve?" He asked loudly, expecting a response. But there was only silence.

"You think I'm the only one willing to go to these lengths? Their senseis broke into my home tonight. My home! Attacked me, unprovoked." Terry shouted at them

"Like how you teach your students to?" Samuel asked him with a raise of his eyebrow.

Terry ignored Samuel, "But here I am. The only one left standing. They think they're entitled to victory because their way is right and our way is wrong. But that's not how it works. There are no morals to the story, no happy endings. Life isn't a fairy tale, it's a competitive sport! Right and wrong, there's no such thing. There are only winners... And losers. Cobra Kai builds winners because we're willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top. Everything you did to try and stop me amounted to nothing but pain. You got your ass kicked Danny boy. Even our janitor could kick yours. Now, you can either accept that... Or I can kick yours right now."

Daniel stepped forward, Samuel helping Eileen move back as Demetri walked next to them. Eileen wrapped her arm around him as Daniel began to fight. He used a fighting method that Samuel told Eileen about when Daniel joined Cobra Kai for a brief period.

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