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"Again," Demetri repeated. Eileen, who lay on a couch drew a quick deep breath before letting it out. Demetri, who sat on the couch with her legs lying on him, was eyeing his watch that he reworked to watch her heart rate slow back to its steady pace.

"Can I possibly do my job without you interrupting me?" Eileen's therapist asked annoyed. Demetri shushed her, making the woman roll her eyes again. Eileen smiled at her therapist before Demetri nodded for the therapist to go on.

"Any panic attacks within the last week?" She asked.

Eileen shook her head, "just anxiety over tiny things. I had anxiety over what smoothie to have!"

"And the anxiety you said is caused by the karate war? Is that what you are calling it?" Her therapist recollected. Eileen nodded.

"Nightmares?" Her therapist asked.

"Reliving the day that Robby knocked the wind out of me and stopped me from possibly saving Miguel's life," Eileen explained, looking down.

"My only suggestion is for you to take a break from karate and try something else that might perk your interests. It would benefit your current mental health."

"But what about the war? I don't want her to get attacked by Cobra Kai!" Demetri complained.

"If she isn't in any karate, how is she going to be targeted?" Her therapist argued.

"Could it be like a trial? Like, see how I am without karate for a bit?" Eileen defused the situation. She nodded at the agreement before the clock rang. The duo stood up, Eileen's time being up. The duo exited the therapist's room and out of the building. Eileen walked to the driver's seat and Demetri to the passengers.

"You need me to sleep over again?" He asked. Eileen nodded before she reversed the car and started to drive home.

"Do you want to come back to school soon?" He asked.

"Tomorrow, hopefully. My mom wants me to try out this boarding school but I don't think it's going to work for me," Eileen explained.

"Boarding school?!" He asked shocked.

"It's just—my biological father might be looking for us and I didn't know this before and there's just so much tension between me and my mom— and I'm ranting again." She said before drawing in a deep breath.

"You're allowed to express your feelings to me if you're comfortable," he told her.

"Okay... Well, my dad is a psycho that my mom left when I was younger and she's been avoiding him ever since. He somehow finds my number and contacts me. Me not knowing he's a horrible being agrees and not only does he not show up, he allegedly watched me break down, stalked us home, and maybe watched us from afar. Samuel had cameras put all over the house," she ranted.

"Wow, you've never said that to you're therapist, you do know that's what they're paid to do, right?" He asked the girl sarcastically.

Eileen rolled her eyes, "I don't feel like telling her that. I don't know if she's mentally ready to help me with that," she responded.

"That's her job," he retorted, "why'd you tell me?"

Eileen smiled at him as she parked by her driveway, "You would've helped me no matter where I was. That's our thing."
Eileen turned her head to see Hawk across the street from her. He was sweaty and had a cobra kai towel around his neck. They stared before he walked back inside.

Demetri and Eileen had dinner together while watching a movie before they decided it was time for them to go to bed since they had school the next day. Eileen started to dream that same goddamn dream.

Eileen called out to Robby who lay on the ground, Miguel over him. He let him go before Robby cried out and kicked Miguel off of him and kicked her square in the chest before he kicked Miguel into the blackness.

"Why didn't you stop me?" Robby asked looking directly at her. She felt everyone start to repeat the same question over and over until they surround her. She ducks her head to cover the noise but it's no use. Eileen cries silently during the yells. She has no one to turn to.

Then it's silent. She looks around and there's no one but Miguel, staring at her from the stairs.

"It should've been you, Eileen."

"Eileen!" She gasped, jumping up into Demetri who was in front of her. She latched onto him pulling him closer to her. Demetri let himself on the bed and laid right next to her, letting her nuzzle into him as a koala would.

"Nightmare?" He asked. She nodded.

Demetri laid down while Eileen laid her head next to his shoulder. He awkwardly laid there until they both just fell asleep.

The next morning, Samuel knocked on her door after realizing that she hadn't gotten up yet. He listened to her fan that was still on and knew she was asleep so he opened the door. He saw the duo and yelled out, his scream matching one of a little girl.

Demetri jumped up at the noise and started to scream as well, notifying Eileen. Kelli also ran in and a look of surprise made its way to her face.

"You two slept together?" She asked loudly.

"No! Well—yes, but not like that!" Demetri said back defensively. Eileen rubbed her eyes as she let the chaos unravel right before her.

"So did you or did you not?" Samuel trailed off, still in shock.

"Guys! I had a nightmare, demetri heard me crying, I guess, and he woke me up and I needed comfort and we both just fell asleep! Okay? No harm, no foul," Eileen explained before grabbing her clothing for the day and heading to the bathroom, leaving the uncomfortable silence between the three of them.

"You guys never want to talk about this again?" Demetri asked. Samuel and Kelli nodded in agreement before walking out of the room.

Eileen rushed out of the bathroom with her phone in hand showing Demetri the time. They were going to be late if they didn't leave right now.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Demetri cursed grabbing his clothing and rushing to the bathroom. Eileen grabbed their breakfast and rushed to the car. She only sat for a couple of seconds before she saw Demetri struggling to get his shoe on before he just ran for the car.

They rushed to the school, with Demetri yelling at her to show down while she defended herself by stating that she didn't want to be late. Once they made it, Eileen rushed to her class when she accidentally bumped into Yasmine, dropping one of her books.

"Eileen... Unelegant as ever, at least something didn't change," she stated as Eileen picked it up. Eileen didn't look her in the eye.

"Hi, Yasmine." She mumbled. Yasmine went to say something else but she saw Hawk hit intentionally bumped into her, knocking her stuff to the ground. Eileen raised her eyebrows as Hawk pulled her away from Yasmine who looked in shock.

"I told you, I would kick her ass," he mumbled. Eileen looked back at Yasmine who picked up her stuff.

What an interesting year this was going to be for her. At least the karate drama should come to a break for her. Unfortunately for Eileen, she thought wrong.

She thought very, very wrong.

A.N: quick chapter but yeah. also, i'm probably going to make s3 very short because i want to be ready to write an umbrella academy fic.

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