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Eileen couldn't sleep.

She tried, but when she closed her eyes she was met with her friend's and families faces. She was afraid of how they would react to her when she came back. Would they be angry, her mom would be. Would they be upset, would they think they weren't good enough?

All Eileen wanted to do was not think.

Miguel was sleeping on her shoulder. She knew he was tired so she didn't move a muscle, letting him get the rest he needed.
And then, he moved.

His head now laid against the window, allowing Eileen to be able to do something besides zoning out. She cursed at Miguel mentally for moving. Using him as an excuse to not be on her phone was now not an option. She grabbed her phone and turned off airplane mode.

She was met with 78 missed calls, and too many to count unread messages. She was shocked when she saw Robby was one of the missed callers, he had blocked her after he joined Cobra Kai.

She looked back at Miguel who was slightly snoring with his face smooshed against the cold window. She laughed slightly before frowning. She was starting to panic, big time. She didn't know what the hell she was doing.

Now usually when she panicked, she had many people to choose from to help her calm down. She had Sam who would talk to her and help her with her emotions on the phone, her mom would make comfort food and cuddle, and Samuel would watch her favorite animated pictures with her.

Hawk would probably get her to play a video game he'd think she'll like. And Demetri would come over, no matter what time it was, no matter where he was. Demetri would be there like she would to him.


Her breath halted for a second as she tapped his contact on her phone. The profile photo of the duo with his face in her hand as they smiled made Eileen smile sadly. It had only been a few hours but to Eileen, it felt like a lifetime.

It was incredibly late, and she knew he might not answer, but she really needed to talk to someone. And Demetri was her only option. So she tapped the telephone and brought it up to her ear.

She stood up and walked to the back of the bus, as the phone started to ring.

"Eileen? Holy shit! What is going on?" She heard Demetri on the other line.

She took a deep breath, "Hey, Tri, I made a big decision a few hours ago and I-um, I don't know what to feel about it."

"Um, okay. First off, where are you? We're all worried sick," He asked on the other line.

"Long story. I'm going to meet my dad. In Mexico," she responded, now sitting on the edge of a seat in the back.

"Mexico? Mexico! Mexico is so far away and what if you get hurt? How am I supposed to help you? My moms aren't going to let me go to Mexico. But then again, this is a good thing, right? You do want to meet your dad. Wait, what about the day of the fight?" Demetri babbled. Eileen listened before taking a deep breath.

"I don't know but this is my dad. I want to meet him but I'm scared. This is why I called you," she admitted.

"Well, I did just list some pros and cons so why don't you list some more," Demetri said to her, "give me a pro."

"I get to meet someone who hasn't been in my life and he's genuinely excited to meet me." Eileen sighed.


"My mom. I mean, she's protected me for most of my life so she has a reason to keep him out. Right?"

"Ooh, that one is a doozy," Demetri muttered, "But tell me something. Where are you right now?"

"We just crossed the border into Mexico," Eileen responded.  

"We?" She heard his question. Eileen's eyes widened realizing he might've not known about Miguel yet.

"We as in the people on the bus," she clarified to him.

"Oh, okay. Well since you're already in Mexico, shouldn't you just try to meet him?" Demetri asked her. Eileen pursed her lips together and nodded.

"Yup, you're," she smiled as she laughed slightly, "you're right as usual." 

"Yes, indeed I am, you know, I don't know why you keep doubting me," he started to brag. Eileen rolled her eyes at the cocky boy.

"Well, thank you, my loveable boyfriend." She thanked him before they started silently for a bit, just listening to each other breathe before Eileen decided to clarify to him. "I don't plan on staying for long, maybe like, eating lunch with him then heading back, I don't know."

"Hey, you do what you need to do, okay? I'll be here for you, even if that's all the way back in the Valley." Demetri smiled.

"I love you, Demetri Alexopoulos." Eileen grinned as she looked at the moving road.

Demetri smiled, looking around Eileen's room, where Kelli let him stay because she knew he was the best option to help her out. He laid in her bed with a small smile, "I love you, Eileen Goldberg."

She wiped her eyes, "Well, I better get going. We both need some sleep. Goodnight."

"Night," Demetri repeated before Eileen hung up. Eileen went back to her spot next to Miguel and finally closed her eyes, attempting to sleep once again but this time succeeding.

Demetri sat up before placing his phone back on the charger. He could've gone back to bed but he heard people whispering outside of his room. So he stood up and opened the door. Kelli and Samuel were talking about what they would do when they saw Demetri opening the door.

"Do you need something?" Kelli asked, getting up to check on him. She hasn't been taking the news well. Kelli was on edge ever since she read the letter Eileen sent her telling her what she did.

"Eileen just called me." He told them. Demetri was immediately bombarded by questions but he raised his hands to silence them, "She's okay. She's just going to meet her dad."

"Her father's here?" Kelli asked, her face looking more worried than ever. Samuel put his hand on her shoulder for comfort but she shrugged it off.

"No, he's in Mexico. She's going to Mexico via bus to get there." Demetri explained to her, "While she called me, I noticed she had turned off her airplane mode so I tracked her device."

"Son of a bitch, son of a bitch!" Kelli cursed.

"What's wrong, Demetri has her location?" Samuel asked the angry woman.

"Her father. that's the problem." She looked back at Samuel and then at the wall. "He isn't a good man, Samuel. He's going to hurt her. Like he did me."

"Not to pry but Eileen didn't know that. From her perspective, all Eileen knows is that her father isn't in her life. He contacted her a while ago and asked her if she wanted to meet. She agreed but he had work things so he couldn't make it. He told her where he is and she's going to see him,"  Demetri rationalized to her.

"She doesn't know him as I do. I should've told her." Kelli put her hands on her face.

"What has he done that's so bad?" Samuel asked.

Her glossy eyes met with Demetri's, "Do you remember when you, Eileen, and I went to the pool one day? And I had a bikini on and you saw a scar and asked me what happened."

"Not really," Demetri honestly replied.

Kelli nodded, "I told you it was a shark attack but that scar was from a knife he used to threaten me with." Demetri and Samuel gapped in terror but she kept going.

"That man is psychotic. He is a drug dealer at an underground wrestling place. He is a crazy man that loves his knives. And that's the man Eileen is going to see." Kelli rambled sadly, grabbing a box and pulling something out. She walked back to the island and placed the photo down.

"That's the man. He's my ex-boyfriend and the father of Eileen. Dev West." Kelli said as the trio looked down at the photo of him and a younger version of Kelli smiling while he looked angry with his arms wrapped around her.

AN: 5 days till it comes out! Also, I might have another Cobra Kai book on the way!

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