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A loud knock was heard from Johnny's apartment. Johnny and Demetri, who were finishing up the last little bit of his job, looked to see Eileen with a bathing suit top on as well as an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt and shorts on with sunglasses.

"Oh, hey Johnny! Not to be rude or anything, but are you almost done?" She asked him.

"Uh, yeah, the nerd finished, I guess." Johnny nodded as Demetri waved goodbye to the former sensei. Eileen pulled him out of the apartment to her car was parked.

"So, where are we going?" Demetri asked her, watching the girl open her trunk.

"Waterpark!" She announced throwing a bathing suit at him. He awkwardly caught it, somehow managing to turn himself all the way around. He faced her again with a confused expression.

"How did you get my bathing suit?" He questioned her.

"Your mom let me in after discussing that running away won't help solve your problems," Eileen explained with a knowing look, Demetri groaning and shaking his head.

"Sorry." He apologized.

"It's fine, doesn't matter to me. Well, you'll just have to change in the locker room and then we'll be able to have a fun time." She nodded.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" He asked her as she got into the driver's seat.

"Yes!" She said a little too fast. He gave her a skeptical look causing her to sigh. "Look. I am still a little shaken up from Mexico. I also want to pretend like nothing is wrong and have some fun. Is that so hard to ask?"

"Okay... Whatever you want." Demetri trailed off. The ride was silent between the two of them after that, listening to the music she played. Once they made it, Eli and Miguel stood outside waiting for them. As soon as Eileen parked she ran up to the front, her body colliding with Eli's.

"Your hair is longer!" She exclaimed. Eli laughed as he set her down, Demetri pulling her to him as he started to apply sunscreen to her.

"Thank you again for that shampoo that helps your hair grow," Eli replied. They walked to where Moon, Yasmine, and Sam were. After the awkward interaction between Sam and Miguel, Eileen decided that she and Demetri would be at the bar.

"Good afternoon, you two, what can I get for you?" A woman working the small bar asked them.

"Two virgin piña coladas, please," Eileen exasperated. The woman nodded and walked off.

"So what's with the ignoring your problems thing? Because, in my opinion, that's not going to help you out, love." Demetri spoke his concerns to her.

"I just- I don't know. I just feel so guilty about things that I probably shouldn't be feeling bad about and I just don't know how to make it go away." She explained before she scoffed. "So much for ignoring them."

"What do you feel bad about?" He asked her as the server gave them their drinks. Eileen turned her chair to face the water park.

"Well, for starters. Robby and I are slowly regaining our friendship. I feel guilty about it because of Miguel and the fight. I also feel guilty because Sam had the biggest fight in her life and I wasn't there to support her, like the good friend I should be. I also feel guilty about scaring my mom, Samuel, you, and Eli. And something else is not right!" She let out.

"What's not right?" He asked, his now hand clutching onto hers.

"The All Valley Tournament. I never felt anxiety so how was that the 'cause' of me fainting?" She asked out loud. "Am I being crazy for thinking about that? Or possibly I'm just overthinking everything like I did when I met my dad, only that was a mistake."

"Hey," Demetri said louder than he meant it to be. "You are not crazy. This whole karate drama is crazy. Isn't that why your old therapist told you to take a break?"

"Drama sucks." The woman behind the counter spoke up. Eileen nodded in agreement before looking forward.

"Oh, look! Drama!" Eileen spoke in an annoyed-happy tone. She watched as Tory broke up the arguing. "Keep the piña coladas, coming. Please."

After a little bit, Eileen decided that she needed to use the restroom. When she went in, she was the only one there. It felt odd. Once she had finished her business and washed her hands, she exited the bathroom, when she felt someone watching her. She turned and saw no one, just a door open with the back of a janitor who was doing their job.

Eileen shook off the feeling before returning to Demetri.

"Any rides you want to go on?" She asked him.

"I would but, there's drama in the way." he pointed to where Eli and Kenny were starting to fight.

"Son of a bitch!" She cursed, stomping towards it.

"I thought she said no drama?" The woman behind the counter asked him.

Demetri shrugged, "Eileen has a way of getting in and out of drama, seeing her friends fight when it's unnecessary is her way into drama."

"Poor child." The woman shook her head.

"Hey!" Miguel yelled at Robby, neither noticing a pissed-off Eileen. "Watch yourself."

"You wanna go?" Robby asked him. The lifeguard blew his whistle and ran in between the duo.

"Hey! Everybody get out and leave the park immediately! I mean it. Everybody out. Now." The lifeguard told everyone. Eileen pulled Robby with her as Demetri packed their things.

"What the hell!" She scolded him.

"Look, I didn't want anything to happen, I stopped the fighting, you saw that." Robby tried to tell her.

"Yeah. It looked like you were trying to stop it until you pushed Eli into the pool which caused Miguel to shove you and then you two seemed ready to fight then. Your thing doesn't count as not fighting." Eileen rambled.

"Well, I stopped it in the best way I could," Robby told to her before walking away to talk to Tory.

"Tri?" Eileen asked, watching him grab their things, "wanna have a movie marathon?"

"Yeah, what do you want to watch?" He asked her. She shrugged, grabbing their bag from his hands and putting it into the trunk of her car. She got into her car and watched as Miguel and Robby started to fight one another again. Demetri pulled out of their parking spot and then Eileen noticed something else.

A license plate. That was from Mexico.

"Before we do the movie marathon. Can I talk to my mom? Please?" She spoke up suddenly. Demetri nodded, smiling at her.

"That gives me time to figure out what franchise I'm going to force you into." Eileen scoffed at his words.

"Don't let it be game of thrones." She shook her head.

"What! But that's a good show!" Demetri defended.

"Full of incest, nudity, and gore!" She criticized.

"Okay, well guess what we're watching game of thrones." Eileen laughed as Demetri pulled up to her house.

"Meet at my house at 5?" Demetri suggested. Eileen nodded in agreement.

She walked into her house and saw her mom wiping the counters. Samuel was at her restaurant, working on finding the foods they had ordered that had not arrived.

"Mom, we need to talk," Eileen spoke seriously.

"About what?" Kelli asked her.

"Neither of us are being honest to each other about my father and we need to come clean. So I suggest that we both tell our experiences so we can finally come clean about some things." Eileen proposed her idea.

"Are you sure?" Kelli asked, looking at her. Eileen nodded.

Kelli sighed. "I'll go first then. It started back in high school. When I first met him..."

AN: did johnny and demetri get
their scene? yes. did demetri also
get put in the water park scene bc
he got little screen time? yes.

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