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Harvi's p.o.v-

I watched the sleepy figure of Zades beside me. Turns out Yulip and Kiva were right. Zades fancies me. Seducing him wasn't part of my plan in the first plan, gaining his trust was. The game changed when I saw how easily he got in bed with me. It was easy… way too easy for someone who hates tribal people or people with no status at all to fall for my non-existing charms. 

I have been keeping a close eye on Zades's behavior. His sudden change in demeanor did throw me off guard, however, I couldn't dismiss the fact he wasn't uptight with me, not anymore. Zades had a hidden agenda with me, I could feel the hidden evil intention behind his every gentle move toward me. He wouldn't just wake up one day and have a change of heart, just like that. 

Falling in love was a foreign concept for the Royals. They can't seem to be sticking to one woman. Zades and Nikos were engaged to princesses, still, Nikos slept around while Zades didn't wait for a second to jump in bed with me. Zades favors me over his beautiful concubines because he has some ulterior motive, and I didn't have time and concern to find out about that motive. I want to get over these pretentious periods of my life. 

I was desperate to find out about my people and was impatient for this twenty-eight day to get over, quickly. To say I was hating myself for sleeping with Zades was an understatement. I hate his every touch, his every kiss, his deep longing stares, his light smiles, his fake concern about my health. I hate how I have to keep up with my actions, I feel disgusted by myself, of my own body and soul. He has officially made me the shell of a person that I once used to be.

"What are you thinking about so hard even when I am present beside you?" Zades moved his head on my lap. He looked me in the eyes. I wanted to slap his head away, but I still gave him a small smile. 

"Nothing much," I replied. 

"Tell me before I make you. Believe me, I will enjoy that more." He pressed his hand on the back of my head, tilting my head down. He left a swift kiss on my lips. 

"I was thinking about why you ordered me to dress in pretty robes and want me to learn the rules and manners?" I have been wearing pretty dresses and robes, personally getting taught by Lady Resmine who taught princes and princesses about basic manners and etiquette. I didn't think of it much, I was doing whatever Zades ordered me to.

Since he asked me to tell him about what I was thinking, I quickly came up with a lie. I wasn't about to anger him or run out of his favors. His favors are what I need the most until I finally learn about my family. I believe Dari and Reva are ready with our escape plan. 

"Why do you want to know that?" He asked, I could feel the hint of anger underlying his tone. The only thing I wanted to win over was his trust but I ended up with his lust and anger issues instead. I was just a mere slut and nothing more for him. He wasn't going to trust me, not in this life at least. Trying to gain his trust was like asking for unbelievable miracles. I have already dropped that idea, long ago. 

"I... I don't deserve this much kindness from the Second Prince. I am a mere slave and nothing more." I instantly replied in panic, his calculative eyes didn't show any emotions. His hold on my neck tightened ever so slightly. I was terrified. 

"You don't have a right to decide what you are. Nobody apart from me does. You don't have a right to question me if it doesn't concern your health. You don't have a right to think over something that doesn't involve me. Understood?" The hardness of his tone was alarming. He sounded possessed, possessed by his own twisted craziness. What kind of an order is that? 

"Understood, my prince." I felt scared in his presence before, but the creepy feeling this time I got from him was making me want to bolt off and jump into the ocean directly. 

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