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Harvi's p.o.v-

The whole palace was in an uproar. In two days, the whole kingdom was going to travel to Qagghar, the capital of Arkadia to celebrate two of the most majorly important functions. Everybody seemed excited, nervous, and extraordinarily busy. 

I walk through the long corridor while clutching my skirt. Only two days were left to get moving to the capital. I have been giddy for the past few days but earlier this morning ever since I woke up I felt a little clench in my gut, I wasn't feeling great. I was still having blue cohosh tea, so getting pregnant wasn't even an option. 

I spent my day working, trying to free my mind from bad thoughts. No matter what I do, the ill feeling won't go away. I couldn't seem to relax my mind. I quickly finished my work and walked to my room. I wanted to lie down, maybe that would help me feel better. 

In the evening, some other servant knocked on the door. She looked suspiciously new, she delicately passed the tray of food. I held the tray, and my eyes fell to her wrist, a thin red color thread was wrapped around it and my eyes widened in realization. She was the servant cum spy of Dari. He told me that he would send me a letter of confirmation about my family's well-being. 

She looked me in the eyes knowingly. I didn't react toward her either, I made sure to show my gratitude to her with my eyes. She bowed her head a little down in acknowledgment and left. I closed the door shortly after and quickly fumbled with exciting steps towards the wooden desk which was neatly well-kept with Zades's ink and paper on top of it. I placed the food tray on the desk and opened the small chit. 

It was a letter from Dari, telling me the best news in the world. He also wrote that he would meet me at the capital to execute our plan further. I was overjoyed, all the previous ill feelings went away. Nothing could dampen my mood, not even Zades himself, not that he would bother me anymore since he didn't return from the hunt, even if he did he wouldn't visit me either, I hope. 

I ate my dinner, my smile wasn't faltering for a moment. I tore the chit apart in smaller pieces, not wanting to leave behind any clue just in case. I threw the torn-apart pieces out of the window. My eyes caught the trail of horses coming inside through the main gates. My smile faltered a little. Zades was here. I closed the window tight shut. Blow out the oil-lit lamps and lanterns. I didn't waste any more minutes getting inside the thick blankets. 

I couldn't sleep well, my gut feeling had gotten worse. I readjusted my head on the pillow umpteenth time still not getting any satisfaction. I felt a hand caressing my cheek. My eyes flew open to take in the standing form of Zades, near the bed. He retrieved his hand but didn't move. 

"Get up." He ordered. His voice was laced with malice. I flinched when I saw how his face and eyes were turned back to those murdered glinted ones when I first saw him on the battlefield. I really had run out of his favors. 

I got up obediently. His cold eyes pointedly stared at me from head to toe. 

"Cover yourself with warmer clothes," Zades commanded in a stern voice. I would have given him a questioning look but on seeing the dead look on his face, I chose to quietly follow his commands. I pulled on woolen shirts, gloves, and boots which he gave me earlier. His eyes didn't show satisfaction, he took out his indigo color robes and put them over my shoulders making me look at him in surprise. 

"Follow me." He said in a harsh voice. I walked behind him, his taut muscular back was stretched, almost bulging out of his indigo linen shirt. He looked more ripped and lethal. I felt the same gut-clenching feeling return with more force this time. I was covered from head to toe, but still, I felt the chills running down my spine. I licked my lips nervously. There were no servants or maids in sight, only our footsteps echoed in the dimly lit palace corridor.

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