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The moment Zades realized who was the real bastard for the whole mess Zades was going through, he immediately bolted off to crack Dahlan's skull open. Zades was furious but more than that he was worried. The north does belong to Arkadia but once outside the boundary of north jungle, there's a whole other world of Subbabs, the territory belongs to healers and Arkadia had no say in their matters.

Subbabs were the most rebel and peace loving community. The Subbab's chief called it a truce with Zades' grandfather and made a business deal with him. In exchange of keeping their lands to themselves they would export the healing herbs and maestros and sages to Arkadian Kingdom.

"DAHLAN." Zades roared on reaching the palace where Nikos and Dahlan were currently residing.


"Your highness."

"Where is your good for nothing cunt of a prince." Zades screamed at the maid who jumped at seeing his red face and hearing his thunderous voice.

"Your highness… forgive this lowly servant… Prince is not here." The maid mumbled out in fear.

"Where is he?" Zades was having a hard time not to rip the neck out of the maid's shoulder.

"He… he… went to the Emperor's." The maid looked on the verge of fainting when Zades almost took out the soul of her body with his piercing glare.

"Coward." Zades shrieked out.

He quickly barked at the guards to bring his horse to him. He was mad-furious and adamant to screw open Dahlan's skull with his bare fingers.

As the marriage took place a night before, the palace felt calm and solemn yet the decorations were still up to celebrate the reunion of two great kingdoms. Nikos took his new bride to seek blessings from the gods of the Aleveria Mountains.

He stride toward the Emperor's chamber where he handled his family and personal matters.

"Your highness, The Emperor is busy." The guard bowed before Zades.

"He always damn is. Get aside." He said in a strained voice.

The guard was old and wise and always knew Zades' black temper so he quickly let him through.

"Ah. Who we have here! Such surprise visits I am getting today. I must announce this day to be my birthday." The Emperor amused in a light hearted voice. Dahlan's eyes widened at the sudden arrival of Zades, who doesn't seem to be in a jovial mood like the Emperor.

"Grandfather, I must apologize as I am not here to talk with you." Zades didn't look apologetic at all.

"Okay, then you can stare while Dahlan and I have a chat." The Emperor casually sipped his tea, intentionally overlooking Zades' temper.

"No, Grandfather. I am going to have a personal conversation with Dahlan while you can enjoy your tea leisurely." Zades gritted out when he realized The Emperor was mocking him.

"Ah, son. You must know, your order doesn't work here. Dahlan is my guest and so are you. You can either join us or you are free to leave." The Emperor spoke in a calm voice.

"Look, Your majesty. I am not in the mood to play banter with you. I don't want to create a scene here." Zades spoke back with an equally calm tone.

"Oh… Is that so? Well, then I must apologize to you, your highness, I order you to keep your childishness at bay. Unfortunately, I don't have any lollies with me and Zades, my son, I just renovated my chambers according to the taste of your Grandmother. So, even if it breaks my heart, I shall be forced to throw you out if you act on your bratty temper." The Emperor spoke in a bemused voice. Zades' face reddened as he felt insulted before Dahlan.

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