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Harvi's p.o.v-

My eyes were constantly roaming through the endless sea of crowds. The people kept on arriving in the capital. I requested Orvel to take me to the open balcony which faces the open ground from up above.

"Looking for somebody?" I heard the familiar sound from behind me. I quickly turned towards hs direction.

"Prince Dahlan." I bow down to him.

"Ah, it appears someone has been learning royal etiquette lately." He muses with light expression.

"This servant-" I began.

"Quit the formalities with me, Harvi. We both know you're not very good at pretending." He stated.

"I don't understand." I asked, dropping my previous act.

"You're sharing Zades' bed. Aren't you." I was taken aback by his statement. He seemed relaxed, too relaxed for my liking.

"I am his mere slave. I do what I am ordered to do." I replied calmly.

"Ah, let me rephrase that for you, Harvi. You are sharing Zades' bed every night. Aren't you?" He smirked slightly when he saw me fidget.

"What type of a question is that? I don't have a choice whom the Second Prince decides to sleep with." I didn't know why I was defending myself. The urge to clear my name before Dahlan was too much.

"Don't worry, Harvi. I am not judging you. You aren't at fault and you surely don't have a say either." My shoulder visibly eased up and realises the tension from them when Dahlan smiled at me softly.

"Orvel, can you fetch me my preferred drink?" Dahlan ordered Orvel without looking at her. She immediately scurried off towards the door.

"You shouldn't have come here. Orvel is going to report back to Zades." I felt worried about my well being.

"Don't worry, I can handle Zades." He came towards me and started to look through the crowd as well.

"He would kill me." I spoke in slight fear.

"Believe me when I say, you would be the last person in this universe he would kill." He chuckled.

"Then you don't know him." I mumbled.

"Aye, you must know, I am the only person who knows Zades very well. You, on the other hand, should try to understand him more. Maybe moaning his name louder at nights will make him open up to you in the days." He chuckled loudly when I choked in the air.

"Why are you all so shameless?" I asked, getting embarrassed from his previous comment.

"You will get used to it." He replied.

"No, I won't. I am not going to stay here or in this kingdom for long." I spoke with determination.

"Harvi, You must earn Zades' trust before pulling any risky stunt. I did tell you he wouldn't kill you but I don't know what measures he could take to punish you. He isn't exactly forgiving." He told me, making me lose my temper.

"What is it you want from me? At first you fueled me to escape from Zades' clutch, then you told me to earn his trust and now that I am almost close to my freedom, you are trying to break me." I seethed.

"Harvi, I never told you to run from him. It may break your little heart but you have no chance to escape from Zades. The best you can do is earn his trust and live comfortably." I gritted my teeth at his reply. Dahlan was sly and charming. The sympathy he showed to me was a mere facade. He may sound and seem perfect with no flaws at all but deep inside I know he has some hidden agenda.

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