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Another day began with equal enthusiasm. The whole crowd got informed about the combat between Zades and Dahlan. Even the Great Emperor was excited to witness such great fencing after so many years. The Emperor knew the rivalry between Zades and Dahlan, but he never interfered between them as it only foiled his favourite young men to trained hard and fought harder.
The Great Emperor always knew how both of the young teenagers eagerly wanted his approval. He watched them fight, head butts with each other to gain the favor of the Idol man in their eyes. Zades was always possessive of his belongings, he didn't like how Dahlan was speeding towards to gain the affection of his grandparents. One time, he cried to his grandfather because he didn't let him gut Dahlan.

Those were the blissful days, thought The Emperor, now both of the young men had their own lands and people to rule over. They got so busy with their lives that they forgot to fight each other. Both Zades and Dahlan accomplished many great things in their lives, now they don't seek the praises, fondness or approval which they are already getting from their people.

Harvi helped Zades put on his heavy steel caged armor. The complicated clothing made her fuss with the many laces to tie around. He noticed her off movements and began moving his wrapped hands along with her.

"How do you even fight, wearing this?" She was amazed to closely see the heavily steel armour which looked suffocated and pointed.

"I eventually got used to it." He replied to her utter surprise.

"When did you start wearing it?" She couldn't help but ask. A slow smile formed on his lips.

"When I was five." He told her with a smirk.

"Why did your parents allow that? It's dangerous and heavy." She spluttered without thinking.

"In my defence, I don't have parents to begin with and those who tried to stop me didn't get to see another day." He repeated the same words.

"Indeed, a five year old must have picked an eye out with a wooden splinter." She said sarcastically. He narrowed his eyes on her small face. She couldn't help but smile a little, making his breathing hitched. It was the first time he saw her genuinely smile at him and she looked so innocent and cute like a little rabbit that he once owned. He felt his heart melt with unknown emotions.

"Indeed, my wooden splinters were no joke." He added to her joke, making her both even more surprised and smiled widely.

Two servants brought his heavy, steel sword, its handle was in the shape of three vicious looking beasts like wolves.

"Do you like it?" He watched her eyeing his sword with glinted eyes.

"I have never used a sword this big before." She admitted.

"Hmmm.. I shall give you a lesson on how to use a sword then." Harvi couldn't believe her ears. She watched him with astonishment.

"Are you sure?" She questioned with eagerness.

"You seem to know the basics but you are easily predictable with your moves and easy to defeat." He added further.

"Yes, I do know the basics." She replied. A horn blew, making both of them realize that it was time for the sword fighting. Many princes had participated in combat with each other when they heard about Zades and Dahlan, so The Great Emperor took it upon himself to organize the arena to fight for the royal princes.

Zades looked regal and a true soldier standing near the arena, the whole crowd seemed to sum up to watch the sword fighting excitedly. They were bellowing the names of their favourite princes. On the other side of the arena stood Dahlan wearing similar armor with an eagle crafted on it instead of three vicious wolves. He too had the heavy sword casually resting on the table beside him.

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