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Harvi's p.o.v-

I tried to sit up but I could only yell out in pain. My eyes were swollen whereas my body felt like it was broken into small pieces. That bastard really beat me good. I clenched my teeth, somehow managing to crawl myself up. My ribs felt like they were about to snap into two if I put a little bit more pressure on it. Luckily the wooden wall helped me balance my weight but the pain was still unbearable. I felt like no position could help me soothe my pain and sore muscles. The floor was continuously moving or maybe it was because I was hungry, thirsty and beaten up. That's why I was feeling it moving. 

My stomach clenched, I felt like puking. My head was throbbing in pain. There wasn't enough light to make out where I was. Hours went by in pure agony. I had puked more than three times already. 

"You are awake. The Imperial surgeon is here to check you." said someone in a low voice. I couldn't care less about this surgeon or whoever he was. I just wanted to get rid of this pain. I was grunting and squirming like a fish out of the water. 

"Light the torches." The soldiers lit the torches around the prison and my vision immediately got better. The man before me was kneeling; he didn't seem to care about my disgusting appearance or the fact that I was bathing in my own puke. 

"This miss has broken her five ribs. She has a severe concussion and she is dehydrated. Fetch me some fresh water. " I didn't know why the Imperial surgeon said these things out aloud since I was sitting in front of him. Moreover, the servants didn't seem to care about my well-being either. 

"Do you want to say something, miss?" The Imperial Surgeon was the only one who showed me respect out of all of those foreign bastards. He seemed to be genuinely concerned for my well being. 

"The floor feels like moving." I cried out to him. 

He smiled lightly, wiping my face along with my forehead. 

"That's because it is moving." He said with a soft voice as if he was pitying me. 

He called the two female servants who cleaned me up carefully. The imperial surgeon put salve on my ribs and stomach. The pain had me screaming and crying wherever he was applying it on my bruised skin. 

After sometime the pain subsided; only then did he give me enough water to drink. I drank the water greedily. 

"Miss needs her rest but she can't lay here in filth if she has to recover fully." Again the Imperial Surgeon said out aloud. Perplexed, I looked around the dingy place to see who he was talking to? 

"Then I must have her relocated." The Second Prince came out of the shadows. I gasped when I saw him looking at me intently. I didn't realize he was here and watching me all this time. 

"My work is done here. I would like to take my leave." The Imperial Surgeon bowed down deeply to the Second Prince who barely nodded and left from here. 

"Have you learnt your lesson, Wildling?" The mockery in his tone was cutting me deeper than any whips. 

"Speak or this time it will be your other wildlings who're going to lose their heads." His temper rose; that alone made me run my mouth. 

"Yes, I have." I said slowly. 

"Yes, I have what?." He pressed. 

"Yes, Prince Zades, I have learnt my lesson." My eyes went blurry. The concoction those servants made me drink was making me sleepy and it was keeping me warm. I couldn't remember if I actually said those words or was it just my imagination. 

When I opened my eyes again I found myself lying on a wooden bed with a thin sheet covering my form. The small room was dimly lit with torches and lanterns, still felt like everything was in constant motion, as if it was moving but I didn't pay no heed. My ribs and stomach were in much better condition. Even though it was still hurting, it didn't make me want to scream in agony. 

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