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The fight was still going on, the princes weren't slowing down either, this was by far the most intense, bloodied and longest fight till now. The princes were bathing in their sweat and blood. The crowd was going insane at the bravery and nonsense battle of their royal princes while Harvi stood watching with cold sweat dripping down her neck.

The way they were frantically charging at each other was alarming. The Great Emperor took notice of it as well. The match just didn't remain a mere game for both of the arrogant Princes, they were trying to show beyond doubt who was better than another. At one point, the Great Emperor looked at the reason behind the tornado which was taking place at the now bloodied arena. His eyes remained focused on the nervously fidgeting wildling beauty. The answer was clear to him but he couldn't understand what was so special about the wildling that drove both of his arrogant sons to insanity and lusting after each other's blood.

He wanted to see what outcome he would get at the never ending battle which was taking place right in front of thousands of people. However, the nervous Empress couldn't bear such a bloody scene before her eyes.

"Your majesty, make them stop or else they will end up killing each other." The Empress was as white as chalk. She again heard the loud gnarls and grunts of Zades who was trying to stab Dahlan, but Dahlan swiftly took a hold of his wrist and tried to twist it, Zades drew his wrist back by kicking him to the ground.

"Do not fret my queen, I'll have the fight halt immediately." The Emperor didn't want to stop the fight but he knew Zades wouldn't rest until he killed Dahlan.

The Emperor sent guards to hold back Zades and Dahlan who in return cut soldiers in two pieces. King Daevos took the matter in his hand instead when he heard the sobbing of Lady Aster, Dahlan's mother and The Empress. King Daevos sent a small army in the arena with two mountain sized men. Both princes bellowed and killed as many soldiers as they could. Zades wasn't stopping at anything, he made up his mind to kill Dahlan who too was seeing red.

Harvi ran along the boundary of the arena. Since they were too far to see or listen to her, she began thumping on the grid. She watched how Dahlan was forcibly dragging his feet on the bloodied mud, Zades was like a beast who got unleashed, he was getting hard to control by the minute.

His second commander came to stop him, only to get a punch thrown at his lower jaw. The Emperor let out an amused chuckle. Such hot blooded rage only reminds him of himself when he was a teenager. Unexpectedly, Zades dropped the blood soaked weapon on the ground and let out blood curdling growl, making the soldiers scurried away from him and bolted off whilst Dahlan was seized by many soldiers around him. The mountain men hesitated to go after Zades.

Harvi quickly left the grid and went back to her place. She heaved loudly when she took in the near appearance of Zades. His face was drenched with blood, making it impossible to recognise his facial features, his arms and legs were bleeding profusely. His armour got thrashed violently so he left it there on the ground, his chiseled chest was cut open in many places. His once golden white hair was sticking on his face while drooping with blood.

He didn't stop her from following him, she was tentative to chase after him but she saw nobody following him, even Aster who claimed to be his mother, shaking with fright and panic. She beheld Harvi' gaze and Harvi grounded her teeth in annoyance, Aster was silently pleading her to go after Zades.

Nobody was safe, not even her but she was afraid of what he might do to her if Harvi failed to do her duty. Always calm and collected Orvel was disheveled and dreadful; she, too, was hesitant to go after Zades but she didn't want to ditch Harvi in the presence of the beast all alone.

Harvi couldn't curse her luck more, she was already walking on thin ice, for she had already infuriated Zades before his match and now nobody wanted to pursue him without fearing for their head being slain. The tent was darker and had traces of blood on the carpet. Harvi stumbled on her steps when she entered inside the tents, she immediately wanted to run away and hide in the corner. He was already mad at her when he left for the fight.

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