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Harvi's p.o.v-

The journey went on for a little longer than five months. Not only did I experience endless amounts of sleepless nights, harsh weather, breezy winds, scorching heat and tiredness, I felt trapped by continuously being Zades' side. He wouldn't let me out of his sight, ever since the bandits incident, he would be checking my carriage for umpteenth times.

The daunting glare I would receive if I accidentally walked one step wrong, Orvel was on her toes, she would be continuously breathing down my neck. Any move that I made would be directly reported back to Zades. I felt cornered and suffocated. He wouldn't let me mingle with the servants either. I wasn't allowed to have any sort of participation in whatever the maids and servants do.

At nights, I would just be watching with sore eyes while the servants happily do chores, set tents, cook meals and chirpily talk with one another. After tent set ups, I was immediately escorted to Zades's tents and was forbidden to leave. Till the sunrise he would hold me like I was his favorite toy, make love to me like I was his lover, treat me like I was a royalty.

I was absolutely terrified of his possessive behavior. I may never have experienced love or intimate romance before but I wasn't too dense either, I have heard and seen most men acting stupidly when they fancied some women but Zades wasn't a typical tribal men that I used to see back on my Island.

He had the dangerous aura radiating off of him whenever I accidentally defy him or make mistakes that would directly offend him. He would go berserk if I couldn't keep up with his outrageous requests. I couldn't be always on the bed all the time whenever Zades visited me, he would ask me a hundred questions straight away, not believing that I could actually get bored sitting on the bed and doing absolutely nothing. His suspicion wouldn't seem to decrease and it somehow gets increased everyday.

"We shall cross the boundaries of Qagghar, mid afternoon. I shall check your warm clothings beforehand or else you shan't be seeing the snow at all." Zades whispered in my ear, his arm was wrapped around my mid torso. From afar look, the gesture would have appeared lovingly but that wasn't the case, he was holding me too tightly, wouldn't let me fidget, his vine like grip doesn't have an ounce of mercy or love.

"That would please me greatly, Zades" I have memorized all honey dipped words that Zades wanted to hear all the time from me, not that I was given any choice to say my mind to him.

He hummed slightly. A light feathery kiss dropped on my navel. I closed my eyes to prepare myself for what's about to come next. Things have taken a drastic turn between us, at first he wouldn't allow me to speak but now he would encourage me not only to react to his touches but also vocal my words out to him, that seemed to greatly please him for some reason.

The moment we stepped inside Qagghar boundaries, I was left speechless, the snow was higher than my ankles and the crowd was bigger than twenty Islands combined. I was ordered not to leave Orvel's side while Zades went to meet the ministers of the palace. The beauty before my eyes was surreal, the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. Long thick trees were heavily covered in snow.

I have changed into a royal blue woollen hooded cloak, boots and gloves. I still felt the cold penetrating in my bones. The potions I have been timely fed to keep me stable and warm were quickly wearing off. As my body wasn't already reacting well to cold, now I was thrust into snowy climate where there's just endless amount of mountains that were covered in snow, tall trees that barely have any leaves to shred was bathing in thorny icicles, the ground didn't had any solid backup of mud and stones as they were already suppressed deep in snow.

"Miss, this way." Orvel guided me to the open pathways. I felt the creep raising the hair on the back of my neck. I noticed, every commoner was mingling and celebrating on the open ground. The more we walked through the pathways the more grand it became; indicating wherever we were heading to was only meant for Royals and I wasn't one of them.

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