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Harvi's p.o.v-

I turned around in enclosed space, my back and arms were tightly roped in, making me wonder what type of a bed I was sleeping on? I slowly open my eyes to observe the slightly red cloth pressing on my face. I craned my neck upwards and my eyes expanded twice. Zades was almost hanging off the sofa whilst I was laying on top of him, covering half of his body. He grunted a little in pain when I accidentally rubbed his bandage.

I didn't recall climbing my way to sleep beside Zades on the same sofa, for all I remember was drifting to sleep when Zades dozed off. How did he manage to pull me up without waking me or hurting himself? His face scrunched slightly, his dark red bruises of the face looked freshly cut, somehow making him look more nice.

"Can't you sleep more?" He whispered sleepily.

"Your bandages have got open." I whispered back.

"You did them poorly." He opened his sea green eyes and held me captive with his temperamental pointed stare.

"Your wounds are fresh, My prince, Maybe I shouldn't have slept beside you." I chose my words wisely, I didn't want to come across as accusing, for I was getting relentless with his vined grip. 

"Hmmm.. You are a waste of space. The least you could do is accept your mistake and learn from it." He quickly took a look at his chest then settled his droopy eyes back to me. His lips pressed in a straight line. 

"Accept, my apologies, My prince you should have called for the Imperial Surgeon, instead" I didn't like how easily he put the blame on me just because he was a total arse last night and couldn't keep his temper in check. The itch to rip one of his ripped bandages was appealing but I didn't want to lose my head this early.

"Shut up, did I ask for your opinion?" He growled feebly on my nose and bit it lightly, making me squeal in surprise.

"Heck?" I was stunned by his sudden manic behavior. One minute he was seething like a predator and the next minute he acted like a carriage full of horse crap.

"Don't swear before your prince, beasty. Do you know what severe punishments one gets for insulting the prince just like you did?" He continued with the same pretentious rough voice.

"I know— they must get whipp—ed—to—death" I failed to complete the sentence in one go, as Zades adjusted me on top of him, making me straddled his wounded waist. I couldn't believe the position we were in. 

Never show your affection towards Prince, never touch him without his permission and never ever try to overpower the prince,  these were some of the basic rules the concubines were taught, I was the only slave who was taught this because Zades asked Aster to make me learn royal etiquette.

"Those are some ancient rules, I prefer beheading the most." He told me, holding me firmly by my waist. My legs felt paralysed and my hands refused to stay still by my side.

"Don't— you—can't." I fumbled noisily.

He didn't reply instead he gripped my waist and brought me down by my face. His eyes shone with hunger and malice.

"I can." I gulped at his words and with that he brought his lips on mine.

"Set the pace." He ordered. I sat perfectly still on him, too scared to move or to follow his instructions. This wasn't supposed to happen, nobody taught me about this situation which Zades has planted me into.  He groaned against my lips, my chapped lips met his softer, busted ones. He waited for me to deepen the kiss, maybe while I tried not to gag when he finally moved himself closer to me.

His body felt warmer against mine, He didn't look too happy when I didn't budge. I briskly nodded my head at him but still not knowing what to do next? His expression changed from thundering rage to amused smiles to annoyed grumpiness real quick.

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