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Harvi's p.o.v-

I boldly pressed my lips on his. He didn't make any move to push or pull me, instead, he stood there unmoving. The Prince had already kissed me before but it wasn't anything more than a punishment. He would selfishly use to violate my lips only to satisfy his enormous ego.

However, this time he wasn't looking for ways to discipline me or to please his ego, I was certain that I was going to regret doing this later on but I was left with no choice. I didn't have Zades's support nor was I his companion. He hardly shows any emotions other than anger, it's the only time he has shown me his vulnerability. If I didn't take advantage of this opportunity I might not get another chance to win any of his favors let alone his trust.

I wasn't good at any intimate activity, so I bit his lower lip to get any response from him. He slowly moved his arm around my waist and deepened the kiss. He put his other hand behind my neck to angle my head. The kiss went on and on until I had to wiggle my head to get some air. The Prince was reluctant at first but he gave us a chance to breathe.

"Why did you do that?" His eyes were unreadable, his voice was strained.

"I.." I didn't get to say anything as I was pulled into a gruesomely passionate kiss.

His demeanor visibly changed, and an indescribable appearance shadowed his feature. He was looking scarier than on the battlefield of kloavian Island. I regretted it almost immediately when he roughly pushed me onto his bed.

"You shouldn't have done that." He said brutally. He moved on top of me to undo my flimsy clothes which I slept in last night.

"You think you can provoke me like this? Do you take me for a fool?" He rigorously kissed my neck, making me whimper.

"I…. I" I tried to speak.

"Shut up, just shut up." His whole face went emotionless, while his ears and cheeks turned beet red. He went on to kiss, suck, bite, and nibble all over my body. He held my wrists up with one hand, and with his other hand, he undid his robes.

Zades didn't stop until he had his fill. Surprisingly, he wasn't barbarous like I thought he was going to be. He did bend me over, flip, and turned me around but he didn't use the force like I thought he would. When the deed was done, It was already evening. He didn't let any maids or servants enter. He pushed himself off of me, not looking back even once.

I was lying on his bed watching him walk to the door. I embarrassingly took notice of his back and shoulders. His whole back, which was already decorated with scars from blades and swords, was scraped open with huge blue marks on his shoulders. His taut back muscles were tense.

Since his skin was as fair as snow, I could see even the slightest mark was left by me on his skin especially his biceps and neck whom I clung to for my dear life. I was afraid Zades would reprimand me severely once he was done with me, instead he looked unfazed.

He came back to the bed where I was lying. I still didn't know what mood he was in.

"The food will be here shortly." He said and went forward to kiss me.

This went on for the rest of our stay at Sire palace. Zades strictly ordered me not to leave his chambers or he wouldn't be lenient at all. I couldn't think straight as Zades didn't give me any chance. He would be with me for the rest of the night and in the morning he would leave before I woke up.

We eventually took our leave from Seashore. Zades didn't let me travel with other servants, instead, he asked for a separate carriage. I noticed the sudden change in environment, the servants and maids looked at me with uneasiness, in fact, Kiva was looking at me oddly but I pretended not to pay any attention because I had more pressing matters at my hands.

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