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Lady Aster entered the hall where Grand Empress sat with a distressed face. Her once beautiful, soft face looked wrinkled with sadness, worry and hurt. She looked in great dilemma.

"This Lady greets the Grand Empress." Aster gracefully bowed in front of her, catching the eye of Grand Empress. Her worried face stretched with a slight relief.

"Lady Aster, where were you? I was eagerly waiting to meet you." The Empress spoke with a rush voice while mentioning Aster to sat beside her with her hands.

"Mother Empress, I was getting the messy work done." Aster spoke bitterly.

"So, it's true then. Zades captured Princess Erma and Cestina?" The Empress asked.

"Yes." Aster grimly agreed.

"It's no good. The wedding will take place in one day. Their parents are going wild looking for them. It's only a matter of time until this matter reaches the Grand Emperor." The Empress looked sick within her stomach.

"I have handled the princesses' parents for now. Hopefully, Zades' recklessness won't ruin the wedding ceremony." Aster seemed tired.

"Did you talk with him?" The Empress asked in a hush tone.

"I've tried. He won't listen." Aster replied, looking lost within her own thoughts.

"Well, call him here. I shall have a talk with him. Zades doesn't ignore me." The Empress spoke in an angry tone.

"Mother, I don't think-"

"No, Aster. It's an order and if he refuses to see me then let him know it's an Empress order." The Empress' temper rose with each word.

Aster nodded her head in silent agreement. She had no choice but to make Zades see the Empress as she could be really reluctant. However, Aster seemed adamant to talk with Zades before she delivered the Empress order to him. She took her leave and began going toward Zades palace.

She only took her personal maids and few guards with her as she didn't want any stray eye calculating her every move. The closer she reached toward Zades palace the more nervous she became.

"Lady Aster is here to see the Second Prince." When finally reaching the palace door, Liane mumbled meekly. As she still remembered her punishment.

"The Second Prince wishes to see no one." The guard replied in monotone.

"Lady Aster-"

"Liane, back off. Let me speak." Lady Aster stepped forward. Her stance was straight and poised, nose and chin upwards.

"Let Zades know, his mother is here to see him." Aster spoke with authority.

"Your highness, the prince-"

"Move." Aster spoke in no nonsense tone.


"Move. Aside. Before I have your head cut." She looked him in the eyes, making him almost peed his armor.

He immediately stepped aside, motioning the other guards to do so. Aster walked inside, the palace looked spotless, vast, cold, and empty. Not many guards were in her sight. The darkness seemed to seep in the huge walls as if they had seen the wrath, the emptiness was creating a certain hollowness inside her ribcage, it wasn't a good feeling. Indeed, Zades was the most minimalist prince but he was still high maintenance of them all somehow.

She knocked on his chamber door. No voice came out. She sighed and ordered her guards to open the heavy door. With a thud, it got open.

His chamber was pitch black. Aster felt the cold shiver when a cold gust of wind embraced her soft form. Her teeth chattered and she almost had the urge to order her maids to burn the more woods in the fireplace, as it was poorly simmering.

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