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Harvi's p.o.v-

I didn't think if my plan to earn Zades worked out by just lust trapping him, if I knew he would become this lenient and harmless towards me then I would have personally eaten henbane day and night and Mistress Agnes would still be alive. 

Not only that, I would have remained a virgin, saving myself solely for my future husband. But my bad luck overshadowed my survival skills. By the end of the week, I didn't act as healthy as a horse, as I was scared Zades would try to force himself on me. I saw how his deep sea green eyes would pin me with a heated gaze. 

He would stare at me with so much intensity like that's going to make me magically invite him to the bed to sleep beside me, which he couldn't be more mistaken about. I rather stay awake on one foot than ever sleep with him willingly. 

Most of the time he would invite himself to stay in the bed with me but his tolerance of heat was as thin as his patience. I heard him cuss silently and then leave the room with the speed of thunder. On the exact seventh day, Zades came inside the room I was staying in with many servants mutely standing behind him. 

I was feeling much better but I still didn't greet him. 

"Good morning, my prince," I said respectfully. 

"Good morning, Harvi." The servants standing behind him exchanged astonished looks among themselves, none dared to utter a single word though. 

"Is there anything the Second Prince needs?" Zades never visited me with more than two servants, I was seeing more than five servants standing still. 

"You are relocating to my chambers." He said simply making my skin crawl in fear. 

"Why?" My sense of fear made me forget that I dared to question the Second Prince's order. 

"Because I said so." He replied while his eyes narrowed at me. Another sign of improvement in Zades's behavior made me realize how gentle he became towards me. It was unavoidable, indigestible, and too good to be true. 

"My apologies, my prince. I didn't mean to offend you." I quickly spurted out in terror. 

I heard a sigh above me. 

"Why did you ask?" He sat in front of me. I was startled when he chose to acknowledge my question. 

"I… I... " I stammered. He never talked with me like a human before. I doubt that he ever considered me human, to begin with.

"Words, Harvi." I didn't like how he pronounced my name with tenderness while still sounding stern. 

"The Second Prince's chambers are too cold for this slave. This slave can't seem to handle the slightest bit of coldness due to a weakened nervous system because of poison." The slaves and servants weren't allowed to use 'I' and 'you' and everything that makes a person significant while talking about themselves, to converse with Royals, or else they would get severely punished. I, again, learned it the hard way. 

I wasn't lying when I told him about my health, which he seemed to be thinking about. 

"I will have many lanterns, lamps, and a fireplace lit all the time." He said after a moment. 

I shook my head slightly, afraid I would end up angering him. 

"What is it?" He asked. 

"This slave… this slave don't want to." I took a peek at him through his eyelashes. His tall, muscular figure took up most of the space on the bed. Our knees touched, his hands on top of mine. 

"Why is that?" He kept throwing me off by asking questions that never seemed to be coming out of his mouth otherwise. 

"This slave loves this room. It is warmer and receives sunlight all day." I truthfully told him, bracing myself for some harsh words, which never came. 

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