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The Imperial Palace was booming with laughter and happiness. After all, It's not everyday, The Great Emperor turns seventy-five summers. All the nine kingdoms came together to celebrate and wish the longest reigning monarch of all the nine kingdoms. Even the rival kingdoms came to pay their wishes and gifts to The Emperor.
The Emperor was the one who sowed the seed of Arkadian empire, nobody, for once believed that a green eyed man with hair as white as moon could rule all over the world. The darker ones made the fun of the pale ghost with beautiful eyes, the mere traveller had only rare gems to offer to the Ezthion Emperor, never realizing he won't be just after the goods but after the throne itself.

The Emperor was once a sly, manipulative, cruel and scheming traveller who built his roads with dead bodies. The more he drew blood, the more power hungry became. He carefully conspired, ventured and formulated his way to the throne. Soon he became the king and then the Emperor, his sons were his shadows but his grandsons were his brain and heart. He might have chosen the first son of his eldest son to bestow a crown and title upon but he made sure to give his legacy to his second grandson. It was very obvious to the other Royals that if the Emperor ever gives in willingly to anybody was just Zades. How could he not even? When he saw himself in his beloved grandson.

There were only a few qualities that made Zades differ from him in the slightest way were that Zades was spontaneous, obstinate and a total psychopath. The qualities the Emperor longed to show in his growing years openly to the world but he couldn't as he needed to make the fortune for himself and his sons, now that he see Zades blatantly showing off his hidden traits made him gloat, Zades was that part of him which the Emperor couldn't get to live.

The Emperor was seated on his gold throne, watching over his children and guests with a lazy look. The whole acres and acres of the snowy glazed ground was lavishly turned into a bride, it was buzzing with people from all over the world. Games, exotic dancers and vast varieties of different cuisines and drinks were served to the Royal guests. The slaves and servants were put on display for royals to put their bets on.

The five day celebration would become more and more fascinating with each passing day, not only animals were going to be used but humans as well for hunting and fighting in the ring. The crowd glistened up with curiosity and light whispers spread among them. Zades entered the ground looking high and mighty in golden hand embroidered robes, attracting any stray eyes on him. The commoners and Royals were starstruck with both fear and awe by his regalness and domineering personality. He was the only Royal who won every war against brutes and monsters of chiefs and kings. Zades has rightfully earned his titles of untouchable, immovable and respectable.

However, this time he wasn't getting only stared at because of his golden achievements and tyrannical temperament. The lady was covered in a long turquoise green veil. Her matching gown was simple, flowy and elegant. Princess Crystal almost slipped from her seat when she saw the scene unfolding before her eyes. Aster's eyes turned challenging but she hid the sneer while Princess Crystal's mother, Queen Celia inhaled sharply in astound.

"Lady Aster, Who is that woman beside his highness?" Queen Celia spoke in a controlled voice. Her eyes fluttered towards her beloved daughter for a moment and her heart broke in a thousand pieces when she saw unshed tears in Princess Crystal's eyes.

"I do not know, your majesty." Aster replied in a soft voice. She did know who that ugly creature was but Aster valued her son's mere stubbornness more than a temporary pricking thorn which she could easily get disposed of later.

"Why would his highness accompany another woman when his soon to be wife is here? Does his highness not favor Princess Crystal anymore? One of the court ladies murmured, earning a thundering glare from both Queen Celia and Lady Aster.

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