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Harvi's p.o.v-

"No, Eithes. The Irkans won't accept their defeat easily. They are cunning bastards. They wouldn't go down without putting up a great fight." Zades was sitting on a throne-like seat with his First in command, Eithen and his brother Eithes, whom I almost stabbed to death. I was standing at the corner beside the table.

"Indeed, they are stealthy and sneaky. They not only have great weapons and armies but they also have wicked traps and animals. They use elephants and ravens. " Eithen sneered.

"Elephants? Exotic and such wild animals. I have seen them. They are big and savage. They are hard to control and tame. " Zades said while eyeing me from across the room.

I have seen forest elephants before, they are quite gentle ones if you leave them to be. Not all wild things are for controlling and taming.

From what I have learnt these past days, Zades loved challenges. He loved to control those who didn't belong to him and he would do absolutely anything to bend those things until they gave up. But, I on the other hand wasn't one of those things. I was going to strike hard when he's vulnerable and weak.

"Well, you seem to take a great liking to controlling wildlings and savages. You should definitely have one of those elephants." The men chuckled at their silly joke.

"Wildling, get me a wine." I was called by Zades and I quickly poured the red looking tonic till half of the metal glass. I handed over his glass and made my way back to my place.

"She doesn't even know how much wine should be poured in a glass." Eithen's face turned sour and he looked at me with filth in his eyes.

"She will learn," said Zades lazily.

"I can't believe this beast is still here. It is a wild animal. It will deceive you whenever it has the chance to." Eithen said venomously.

"Now no need to hold grudges just because she almost killed your brother, doesn't mean she can't be tamed." Something in the air shifted, I noticed how Eithen shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Zades wasn't smiling anymore, if anything his face turned dark.

"I am not holding grudges. I am just looking out for you."

"I can do that very well. What do you think, Eithes?" Zades asked calmly to the other man who was silently watching the exchange between Zades and Eithen.

"My prince, it's your choice whether to keep her or not. She means nothing to me. In the battleground, she did try to kill me but it was only fair, if she hadn't tried to kill me, I would have killed her first." Eithes replied in all seriousness. I could see the tension building up in the air slightly vanishing.

"Your answer pleases me, Eithes. I shall take my leave and You should get your left shoulder examined, again." Zades stood up from his place while his ministers bowed deeply to him.

I silently followed him all the way to his chambers. His guards didn't stop me from entering but they still eyed me with suspicion. Surprisingly, his chamber wasn't anything aristocratic like I expected it to be.

It was spacious with minimal wooden furniture. There was no decoration of flowers, scents or statues. In Fact it was the most dimly lit and ordinary looking room in all of the palace while the palace in itself was beautiful, magnificent and grand.

I glanced outside the window and saw the sun was setting. The birds were flying to their nests, probably to their children to spend the night. A deep sorrow engraved my heart.

"Beasty, help me with my robes." My chain of thoughts was broken by Zades's rough voice.

I sighed and moved to untie his robes. This has become my day routine. I helped Zades in every basic thing that he did. He can't even drink water without calling me to hold his glass for him while he chatted.

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