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Harvi's p.o.v-

When we finally reach the palace. I had an unbelievable sight in front of my eyes.

The palace was undoubtedly the biggest palace I have ever seen in my entire life. It was breathtakingly beautiful. Rare stones, evenly cut gems and marbles were used to make the walls and pillars of the palace. I also came to know that this castle was also called 'death trap', I was yet to find out why it was called so. 

"You shouldn't bring the wildling here." Aster said darkly but with pure elegance. She was the one who raised Zades and his cousin the Crown Prince. I was standing at the far corner of the large room. Many beautiful women were sitting oddly on soft, cushioned chairs as if their backs were replaced by thin wooden sticks, their hands resting on their laps as if someone specifically ordered them to. 

All of them were different looking from one another. I have never seen such colors for hair and eyes. Some had red hair with blue eyes, some had golden hair with green eyes, some had yellow and black hair with muddy eyes. I was awestruck. They were said to be Zades's concubines. The word was new to me but still Yulip somehow tried to slip as much information as she could when we were still on the ship as if she knew I was going to be living in this palace. 

"Aester Ma, She is my slave now. I hope you know what to teach her." Zades replied to her softly but I didn't miss the edge in his tone. This Aestar woman clearly understood because she didn't question him again and nodded her head at him. 

The prince ate his meal with the other women who were surrounding him as if he was a juicy flower and they were butterflies. They were trying to grab his attention, gracefully. I had a sudden urge to laugh. This was all comical to me. I have never seen someone so snobbish and sought after but then again I have never been to the country before, never really saw how royals lived and ruled their kingdom. 

I didn't make a sound since I knew it would only bring me trouble even though my body was craving to jump like a wild chimpanzee on the table which was full of delicious and appetizing meals. 

"Wildling, come here." It took me a whole minute to realize to whom Zades was calling. But it was too late as I had already made a dreadful mistake not to obey the snobbish prince at once. 

"No food and water for you for two days." Zades slapped the table with his palm. All the ladies stopped eating and smiling. Aester stood on her feet and so were others. He immediately left his throne-like seat and made his way towards me. He stopped before me. All the ladies gasped in unison and I was too confused to react. He was staring heatedly at me while I was looking at him to understand what he was trying to convey with his eyes. 

He narrowed his eyes, I too narrowed my eyes. We stood there completely still. Nobody dared to move a muscle or breathe too loudly. I was about to ask what have I done this time but then his lips curved into a small smile which was visible only to me. 

"Three days. No food and water." With that he left from there and I was now stunned as well. What did I do? I didn't even say anything. Why was I deprived of food and water? I looked at those ladies who were looking at me like I had three heads. They were whispering among themselves. 

"Aren't you the brave one?" A sinister voice said, making all of the ladies shut their mouths.

"Me?" I asked confusedly. 

"Yes, you. How many wildlings do you see here?" She mocked me while other women laughed. 

"Speak, you little pest." She snapped at me all of a sudden and my temper flared. 

"Oh yes, I am the wildling here then what are you? A white haired bitch." No sound came out of those pampered ladies while Aester raised her hand to slap me. Out of instinct, I grabbed her hand. Her blue green eyes widened in pure shock. She was too stunned to move. 

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