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Harvi's p.o.v-

I wasn't feeling well even after sipping the tea that was sent by Zades every morning. It tasted more bitter than sweet, I enjoyed the bitterness on my tongue but today that bitterness was making me recoil. My tongue was feeling a tingling sensation that was making my throat dry continuously. 

The tea was specially brewed in blue cohosh to prevent any unwanted pregnancy. There were many roots and tree barks that were traded between many islanders and tribes. I knew the first time I smelled the tea. The amount was pinch size, it was almost tasteless and didn't smell. The Prince was smart enough to send me the blue cohosh tea. 

Back in the Islands, pregnant women use blue cohosh for almost painless labor as it was easily available in comparison to other roots and herbs, but it can also be consumed to prevent pregnancy, heavy menstrual flow, and lessen abdominal pain, in smaller doses. 

However, for the past three days, even the tea couldn't calm my nerves down. I was losing my appetite. Zades wasn't coming to his chambers either, not that I was complaining. He was losing his sexual interest in me, I couldn't be happier about it. But my health was declining. 

A week passed, I did my chores with great difficulty, my friends were becoming more concerned, and on the same evening, I lost consciousness. When I opened my eyes, I was met with Nelli's troubled expression. 

"Oh god, Harvi, you're awake. What happened to you?" She hovered above my face. I was lying in her quarters. There was nobody other than her. 

"I don't know. What time is it?" I asked, panicking. I had to take cleaned linens to Zades's chambers. 

"It's evening time." I stood up with an achy stomach. I was feeling lightheaded. I was feeling utterly weak. 

"I need to go," I said in a worn-out voice. 

"But Harvi…" Nelli looked on the verge of crying. 

"Not right now, Nelli, or else I would get punished." I lifted up the bucket of linens and walked out to the corridor with faltered steps. Nelli was hot on my steps. 

I heard the voices of Zades and Commander Eithes. They both stopped and took a look at me and Nelli. Zades's face was unreadable, he narrowed his eyes and stepped forward in my direction. I didn't have any energy left to bow like Nelli beside me. 

"What are you,-" I vomited blood on his cream robes, making them stain red. I was instantly pulled into his arms, puking blood and saliva out of my mouth. I heard a loud scream of Nellie's before closing my eyes. 


The minute Harvi puked blood all over Zades, he lost his mind. He shouted at his commander, Eithen to fetch for Imperial Surgeon. Zades quickly scooped her up in his arms, securely. Both were stained in her blood. Nelli was crying hysterically but she couldn't speak up, so she silently followed Zades to his chambers, who didn't seem to notice her presence at all. 

If Nelli wasn't already grief-stricken, she would be surprised to see the pure concern on the Second Prince's face. He gently placed Harvi on his bed while Nelli obediently stayed outside of his chambers just in case the Second Prince asked for help, which he didn't. He swiftly moved to grab the napkin to wipe the blood off of Harvi's face who was looking sickly pale. 

He cursed out loudly making Nelli tremble. She never saw Zades in such a darkened mood. He wasn't exactly the cool-headed ruler but he wasn't the one to verbally show off his anger. He was the temperamental prince, known for his quick temper. Nelli saw heads flying of maids and servants before whenever Prince wasn't satisfied with their work but that is all, he wouldn't openly cuss out. 

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