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Harvi's p.o.v-

When I regained my senses. I found myself on the finest silk bed. Our island doesn't reproduce or grow any silk but jute.

I touched my forehead and winced a little. My eyes eventually fell on my hands, they were all neat and clean. I then touched my face. It was not as rough as it was before I lost my senses. My skin was usually not at all tender and silky smooth but I have had clear skin since birth.
Even the servant who was standing with their head hanging low was breathtakingly beautiful.

"How did I came here?" I asked hoarsely, finding it difficult to put the words together. My voice was so thick that it made my words a little messy. The servant didn't answer but shiver.

"Drink," The servant said in a low voice.

I clearly understood what the servant was saying but I didn't know how to put my thoughts in words. So I use my hands in order to make myself understood. The servant again didn't respond.

"Drink." was all she said again.

"Savage is awake." Prince Zades entered the room. The servants immediately knelt down.

"Has she eaten any food?" He asked the servant who burst into tears.

"i-" I tried to voice out but was cut in between when two soldiers dragged the servants by their hair. I was horrified at such a brutal act. Prince Zades turned his body towards my lying figure.

"Finish the food." He ordered.

I was shocked to see the temper of this Prince. How ironic it was, usually tribes were considered as wildlings, savages, animals, beasts, monsters and what not. The Royals and country people were known for their gentleness, beauties and education but it was a Royal Prince who was showing our said traits.

My people and I weren't safe with him. I thought

I reluctantly ate the simple rice and fish. I drank a glass of water on the go.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked. Prince stared at me for a full minute. His lips remained in a straight line.

"You will open your mouth whenever you're ordered to," The Second Prince replied viciously.

"You will only meet my gaze whenever you're asked to. " He continued.

"Now stand" I stand on my feet. Prince Zades sat on the bed.

"Don't think I've forgiven you for what you've done to my Second in Command. For that you shall be punished." His voice held promise but that made me more confused.

I knew the mind games but I can't understand why Prince is not killing me and my tribe members. They are all nothing but a waste of space for him after all.

Our land doesn't possess any jewels nor fine stones and treasures. This island is only a small piece of land for the Prince. So why worry about raiding it in the first place?.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked again boldly. Prince gave me a look which I didn't understand at all. I knew at some point me and my people are going to lose our heads so why not know the reason before it all ends for good.

Prince clenched his jaw.

"I told you, you aren't allowed to open your mouth unless asked to. " He threw the glass on the floor.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked again, completely ignoring the raging bull who looked like he wanted to hang me to death.

Prince immediately grabbed me by my neck and pulled me closer roughly. I was shocked and somewhat scared. This happened so fast that it threw me off guard. His grip on my neck wasn't hard but it was a warning and I knew if Prince applied a little bit more pressure I would immediately die.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, already giving in and waited for my death to come and take me away. I felt a hot breath fanning across my face. The pressure on my neck wasn't increasing but it was keeping me in place as if to warn me. When nothing happened I slowly opened my eyes to see how the second prince looked almost lost.

"Kill me." I begged. He looked at me with so much hatred that I almost feared him. He removed his hand from my neck and stand back on his feet

"You shall get your wish fulfilled sooner than later." He said in a spine chilling tone. His face didn't show any emotions.

"From now on you will be my personal slave" He commanded.

My eyes filled with anger. This means I was not going to get killed but going to be enslaved for the rest of my life.

"I won't do that." I knew I was playing with fire but I would rather get burned and eventually die in those burning flames than to be enslaved by some arrogant prince.

"Servants!" Prince Zades bellowed.

Immediately three servants rushed in, almost tripping on their feet.

"Fetch First Minister, Ethen."

In a half minute the First Minister was already on his knees ready to listen to what this sadistic Prince had to order.

"You're the only one who dares to talk back to me. You not only defy my orders but have the guts to meet my eyes. How dare you, you lowly savage?" The icy tone voice of Zades sent shivers down on all the servant's spines. In a second they were all on their knees lowering their heads but none utter a word.

"I asked you a question." When I didn't answer him. He backhanded me with so much force that I was sent flying to the ground. He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up. I shrieked in pain. Blood was coming out of the corner of my mouth.

"First Minister." Immediately Ethen responded with 'Noble Prince'.

"Give this wildling ten whips in the backyard of this muddy place" Second Prince Zades narrows his eyes at my swollen face. His steely eyes were throwing daggers at my face. His hold tighten on my scalp making me yell in pain

"Make sure she learns her lesson" He commands harshly to him. He then roughly puId me to the ground again and left from there.

Two guards grab my wrists. They dragged me all the way to backyard of the Jastav's muddy home. The ocean was silent but the waves had an unusual sound to it. The Island birds were flying freely in the sky making me jealous all of a sudden. I too wanted freedom just like them.

The guards shoved me on the sand. The First Minister was already waiting with the longest and thinnest whip which had a metal handle that I have ever seen.

"You wildling bitch, you're about to be begging for death. You fucking bastard just because Noble Prince let you live out of mercy so you think you can disrespect him." He spat and smiled cruelly which was more cruel than that of the Nobel Prince.

A loud wail escaped my throat when a whip came down on the side of my chest brutally. Each whip was more dreadful than the previous one. I didn't know how many whips I had taken because I soon passed out. My already stained clothes were dripping in my own blood.

The bastard was right, I really was wishing death. My eyes felt heavy when I opened them. A whimper came out of my lips when I tried to shift on the dark floor. I wasn't in the backyard but was laying on my back on the wet floor which was giving me a funny feeling as if it was constantly moving beneath me. I looked around the dungeon, it doesn't look familiar at all. It was way more darker, way more cold and way more small than that of my Island one. Where was I? Where were my people?



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