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Harvi's p.o.v-

On the sixteenth day, we finally reached the seashore of Arkadia. I looked outside through the shade of a moving wagon. It was bustling with lots of commoners and fishermen. Huge ships and boats lined up throughout the vast shore. People were shouting, calling to sell their goods. 

It reminds me of the time back on my island. We didn't do massive business back on our island but we did make a deal with various sailors and local fishermen from other islands and towns that were hundreds of miles away from us. We lacked farming, complicated medicines such as rare roots, tea leaves, and many herbal herbs that were only available on certain islands only.

We exchanged our jute and exclusive species of fishes that only kloavian tribes can catch since they were found in the deep ocean, only a few tribal people risked their lives for such naturally tender meat, in return for legumes and medicines. 

We didn't pass around the metal coins that were made of gold, silver, or bronze-like Arkadians. They tend to do it a lot over here. Everything here has a price that can only be paid by these coins. The coins confuse me but I was determined to learn them as I have come to understand how each of these people was ready to do anything just to get their hands on even a single coin. 

Surprisingly, I have never seen Zades carry any of these coins. He once gave me a gold coin, back then I didn't know what to do with it. I just glance at it and then back at Zades. 

"You're the first slave who been bestowed a gold coin by a Prince." He said amusingly. 

"Thank you, My Prince." I immediately knelt in front of him, not wanting to anger him. My back was still healing and one more whip on it would do permanent damage. 

"Zades. Say Zades." He said, making me stare at him instantly. He looked more shocked than I was. 

He grabbed his goblet and bolted off somewhere. I stood on my feet. I was still holding that gold coin. That night, I asked Yulip about the gold coin. She actively told me about the term 'Currency' and how it was introduced by The Royals of Arkadia to all of those countries that were under them. 

She told me bronze coins were used by locals and commoners. Silver coins were used by those who worked in a court and concubines. Gold coins were only reserved for Royal blood.

The Royals had access to all of the coins, even concubines and those who worked in court can have bronze and silver ones but gold ones were untouchable, only Kings of different countries used them when they did business with each other which was rare since most of them ended up on the battlefield. 

I didn't tell Yulip about the gold coin. The girl was already recovering from the shock that I was alive and still breathing even with all the days that I spent trying to be brave and stood up for myself but now I have learned to bite my tongue and bent my head low for survival. 

My head snapped when the wagon stopped with a loud jerk. Kiva already told me not to be lagging behind or else I would not only get lost in the sea of people but will also get severely punished for trying to flee. I doubt none of his words.

Zades was waiting for me to get into trouble. I could see the mischievous glint in his eyes which were promising to break me again and again until he had his fill. The only problem was, that this monster doesn't have any limits. 

Kiva, Jael, Rini, Tomi, and I immediately scurried off to the nearby tent. We were ordered to wait for the Princes to discuss with the Minister of the fishery. The tent was ordinary but it was still big enough for five of us to stay and rest peacefully. 

"Harvi, we will stay the night here and it is your only chance to find and meet your friend. We shall walk to the Palace Sire in the early morning." Kiva whispered to me while glancing around the tent. Jael, rini, and tomi were engrossed in enthusiastic conversation. They were tired and excited about getting to see the local markets and possibly sightseeing with the princes. 

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