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Harvi's p.o.v-

"What happened? " Yulip panicked when she heard me crying. I shook my head, unable to say anything.

"Please don't cry or I shall be punished." That immediately shut me up.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know but I have heard what happened to those maids who beat you up." She said nervously.

"What? What happened to them?" I was confused.

"The Second Prince threw them in the sea at midnight." I was gobsmacked. My hunger went away.

"Why would he do that?" I was fearing for my people.

"He knew that they were the ones who first beat you up." She said in a shaking voice.

"How come?" I was agitated.

"They revealed it themselves. He made sure to give them good beating then he ordered soldiers to throw them in the sea." She sobbed.

"Please, miss. Don't think I am kind to you just because I want to be alive. Well, I want to live but I am not heartless and merciless." I smiled when she started clarifying herself.

"Don't worry Yulip. I trust you." She visibly relaxed and took her leave. She wasn't allowed to stay more than ten minutes.

Yulip quickly warmed up to me and she was the one who brought me my meals. She even slipped me important information.

"We will be reaching the capital in two days." She said in a low voice.

"It's where the Second Prince and all the Royals live." I wanted to snort but I kept my mouth shut.

"Do you know anything about my people?" I asked hopefully. Her face fell with sadness.

"No, I am not allowed to go to the other side of the ship. It's where the Second Prince keeps others… people'' She hesitated to say the word prisoners.

"How old are you, Yulip?" I asked desperately to change the subject. The need to see my family was crushing me from within.

"Sixteen summers." She replied.

"I have turned seventeen this summer." She nodded her head. We chatted in low whispers and after ten minutes she scurried off.

After two days, I heard people shouting and crying. I didn't realize how crowded it was on the ship. Most of the days I would lay unconscious in pain and couldn't remember whether it was day or night. Hunger and thirst were also keeping me low and slow. It looked like the Prince didn't want me to get any energy; he was just feeding me enough to not  let me die of starvation.

I never really knew what it was like to sleep on an empty stomach let alone go through days with barely there stale bread and a small cup of water. The concoction I was being fed was helping me to sit still but it wears off quickly. It wasn't helping me heal my bruises, it was only subsiding the pain which only came back stronger after an hour or two. This Second Prince was really hell bent to destroy me, to punish me in every way possible.

After two days, I saw bright light peeking through the small window. I struggled to stand still and pushed myself to take a peek out of the window, I saw the vast and clear sand. I quickly slid down when I heard commotion outside the prison.

Two mountain sized soldiers came inside the room, those two soldiers looked utterly different than that of Arkadians. Their faces were covered with black masks. They were wearing red and black robes. A golden badge of three vicious looking wolves was glistening on the side of their shoulders. It all felt too familiar but still unrecognizable

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